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As the school quieted down Tom made an honest effort to study, but the turmoil within him was too great.


And in May of 1910 folks all over the nation were in a space-age state of turmoil over Halley's Comet.

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Phoenix will have to play out the rest of this 82-game slog in turmoil.

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Morrison replaced Turnbull in a party-room vote last Friday, taking over as leader of the Liberal party after a week of political turmoil that led to the emergence of Australia's sixth prime minister in less than a decade.


It has brought turmoil to international relations, harmed global peace and development and the interests of all nations, and harmed America itself.

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Then, in turmoil and triumph, that promise exploded onto the world stage to make this the American Century.


The east African nation is one of the poorest in the world, and has been plagued by ethnic violence and political turmoil for decades.


This would reinforce trade links with the country even as the accession process was parked, boosting an economy weakened by months of political turmoil.


The boom in futures trading alarmed regulators, who feared a repeat of the stock market turmoil experienced the year before.


Reza tracks the massive changes of World War Two, when the Allies and Russia invaded oil-rich Iran, and the mid-century turmoil of the early Cold War and the coup against prime minister Mohammad Mosaddegh.


Economic historian Joel Mokyr argues that the present wave of technological change could create so much social turmoil that we may need to fundamentally rethink our political systems.


But even that suggests fewer investors worrying the mainland Chinese economy is about to implode as feared during January's turmoil.

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But the city and the organizers of the Games have encountered difficulty on several fronts, including political and economic turmoil; the spread of the Zika virus; and extensive pollution in bodies of water that are to be used in Olympic events.


The missing funds are just the tip of Brazil's iceberg of turmoil.


The missing funds are just the tip of Brazil's iceberg of turmoil.


Officials in charge of executing the Summer Games say they feel insulated from Brazil's turmoil at this late stage.


But when the Silicon Valley crowd pause for breath, even they worry about some of the consequences of this technological turmoil: the impact on so many traditional jobs, the erosion of employment rights and the unequal distribution of the fruits of technology.

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And so it was that, about a week later, we crossed a strip of warm, black tarmac and I brought Hassan's son from Afghanistan to America, lifting him from the certainty of turmoil and dropping him in a turmoil of uncertainty.


5 per cent following weeks of turmoil in equities and plunging commodity prices.


However, the decision to bring the renminbi into the fold has also opened the IMF up to potential criticism that it has been too easy on China, particularly after the turmoil in Chinese currency and other markets.

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