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I want the authentic feeling that surpasses dreaming -- a love that is true and never fleeting.

英语演讲小短文 年终会餐篇

We all hope you will be able to have a good time tasting the Chinese cuisine, drinking the Chinese wine, and, above all, enjoying the Chinese 'authentic' entertainment.


" While a $10 million trip is outside the budget of most people's two-week vacations, Orion Span claims to offer an authentic astronaut experience.


The lavish canine garment is made of "Golden Textile" 24K gold Nano coated fabrics, which apparently "has the authentic values of gold itself and embraces 99.


Leaders who are authentic are transparent and forthcoming.


I was in New York many years ago with my girlfriend (at the time), she is Korean, and she wanted to take me to an authentic Korean restaurant she found.


'I wondered what 15k of authentic Louis Vuitton bags looked like as a fully functional toilet, so I made this.


This friend is only an important role model if they behave in ways that are authentic and genuine.


Although Green sees value in the platform leagues provide their athletes, he doesn't think they are obligated to utilize it if their efforts aren't self-inspired or authentic.


They have to be as authentic as possible.


Chinese students in the UK will soon be able to enjoy a much more authentic taste of home.

川大复旦互换厨师 学生教师齐捧场

China's Sichuan University and Fudan University recently organized a "chef exchange," offering the students on both campuses a chance to taste the authentic cuisine of a different region.


We want to present our readers with the 100 percent authentic AI output," said Dong.


If you want to be a little more authentic - and trust me this version is worth it - serve thin shavings of skin and fat with just the smallest amounts of meat, along with pancakes, plum sauce and spring onions.


Even though this historic building is fake and completely out of place, the original casts for the marble sculptures are authentic and date back to 438 BC.


If your mom loves history, art, fashion and authentic Italian cuisine, this charming city is not to be missed.


Ever wondered if the food you get from your local Chinese takeaway is truly authentic?


The participants attributed greater self-presentational motives and less authenticity to selfies taken by others, compared with those taken by themselves, which were also judged as self-ironic and more authentic.


" Chang estimated this trend will continue this year, and Amazon will expand the scope of authentic overseas products.


Sure, the Chinese market is becoming increasingly more sophisticated but, the ability for these brands to seamlessly and elegantly integrate authentic Chinese elements into their designs is another factor to consider.

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