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Richard Brautigan's poetic vision of computers as machines of loving grace began to take shape.


Others express their feelings through poetic words on cards and letters.


This seemed poetic for us to turn a traditionally red beverage into a blue one," he said.


From a poetic standpoint, however, they offer a clean solution to the alienations of the postmodern society.


Others weren't quite as poetic, but still maintain the theme set by the start and ending sentences.


There is a lot of poetic license, making poetry not only easy but also interesting to write.


The Development of Tang Poetry As the golden age in the history of Chinese poetry, the Tang Dynasty made brilliant achievements in the different poetic forms of guti (classical poetry),gelu (poem with a tonal pattern and rhyme scheme) and yuefu poetry.


The Development of Tang Poetry As the golden age in the history of Chinese poetry, the Tang Dynasty made brilliant achievements in the different poetic forms of guti (classical poetry),gelu (poem with a tonal pattern and rhyme scheme) and yuefu poetry.


Therefore, the history and historical characters he depicted are immersed in a kind of poetic ambience.


Some of the banners contain corresponding Chinese poetic couplets known as "Chunlian" or spring couplets, these placed on the entrance of houses during the Chinese New Year.


Sharma's novel isn't entirely set in the wintertime, but his poetic descriptions of winter weather as lovely yet isolating make it a great choice for a December read.


You don't have to be a religious thinker to find beauty in Robinson's poetic musings.

中国历史名人:Guo Moruo郭沫若

His first poetry anthology The Goddess gave free rein to the powerful imagination through which he could transform things in the universe into poetic beings that served as animated objects of his emotional response.


or a pair of scrolls containing a poetic couplet), also known as ying lian (pillar couplets) or dui zi (antithetical couplets), is a unique literary genre in China.


Following two timelines, the 108-minute film weaves the prince's poetic tale into a modern story, which revolves around a studious teenager's struggle and compromises with her pushy mother.


"However, space has other inherent values, like the beauty of the night sky, which can be used to create poetic memorial services.


It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand not far from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch.


They either left poetic inscriptions for those gardens, or designed the gardens themselves.


And his shy nature and poetic lyrics have also given him the nickname "Poetic Musician".


" "They have something poetic about them," he said of both.

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