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The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(36)

Maybe not "changed", not really, but suddenly I had the feeling I was looking at two faces, the one I knew, the one that was my first memory, and another, a second face, this one lurking just beneath the surface.

加拿大邮差无法投递 留言门口有熊

A picture of the decent-sized black mammal has since surfaced to prove the claim, showing the grizzly scarily lurking out front of the house.

别蹭免费WiFi 小心网银被盗

But what coffee drinkers do not suspect is that lurking among their fellow latte lovers are bank robbers.

英语小说:金银岛-Chapter 15

I was now, it seemed, cut off upon both sides; behind me the murderers, before me this lurking nondescript.


It is always the fear of imposition, and a lurking intent to rule, that causes the woman to haggle over a word--it is absence of love, a limitation, an incapacity.


The enemy is not a person; it lies within each of us Perhap just perhap it takes only one more person To shake the temple bell of compassion To light a candle of love, and to hold up their hand In courageous refusal to the enemies lurking within each of us To finally break the grip of violence over our world Then, truly then, peace will be found.

安徒生童话英文版:The Ice Maiden-XII

Upon one of these Vertigo sat, lurking after his powerless prey, and from beneath came a sound as if a piece of rock had fallen from the cleft, and was crushing everything that stood in its way or opposed its course.

安徒生童话英文版:The Ice Maiden-I

Vertigo might be lurking on the watch, but he dared not approach him.

安徒生童话英文版:On Judgment Day

The Angel of Death silently pointed to a haughty form around whose head spread a bright glory of rays, with shining colors, but in whose heart could be seen lurking, half hidden, the feet of a peacock.

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