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The whole scenario was put into motion thanks to a traffic jam, which was caused by an accident that occurred at 10:31 a.


Who wouldn't want that scenario?


What's the first thought that goes through your head in such a scenario?


Muted London : Under a scenario where the UK is able to fudge some sort of access to the single market, London could carry on almost as before.


Charging your phone when it loses 10% of its charge would be the best-case scenario, according to Battery University.


In fact, the worst case scenario is that things don't work out and you have to go back to doing exactly what you are doing right now.


Khurana, who acknowledged that he's an avid cellphone user, said that he and his wife tried to recreate the scenario on a recent evening, but had difficulty checking their phones with only one eye.


Recently, the economist Robin Hanson has explored in detail the consequences of such a scenario for society and the economy.


Worst-case scenario: make an exaggerated effort to steer away from the table.


In fact, the worst case scenario is that things don't work out and you have to go back to doing exactly what you are doing right now.

英国财政部 脱欧将导致逾50万岗位流失

Leave campaigners will point to the large margin of error implicit in the Treasury's economic model, which claims that the economy could be 6 per cent lower than the current forecast under a worst-case scenario.


"The cooperation with Alipay provides us with a new application scenario, and also offers a more efficient payment method for users who are accustomed to Alipay," said Wang Tong, president of Samsung Electronics' product strategy and R&D in China region.


" Ludicrous as it seems, this scenario rings true in the tech industry.


This tactic of changing the subject is common in a debate scenario, when one presenter feels trapped or challenged.


In fact, the worst case scenario is that things don't work out and you have to go back to doing exactly what you are doing right now.


Visualize a different circumstance or scenario, one that's more in your favor.


For phonemakers, then, it's an "innovate or die" scenario.


The first part involved 333 adults acting out a fictional scenario where they were an accounting department manager interviewing a potential employee.


《》· Helen Phillips's new collection Some Possible Solutions is a journey in possibility — every story involves a quirky "what if" scenario that often borders on downright bizarre.

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