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Imagine a scenario ,where you are sitting at home watching television or reading a book , suddenly a light buld is turned on in the dark tunnel of your mind as a thought or an idea crosses your mind .


In one scenario you find that you are unable to make it to the test on time, often through being unable to find the test room.


Sometimes you cannot even imagine what life brings to you, it becomes impossible for you to handle that particular scenario but the thing that needs to be remembered every time is that if it brings immense happiness to you pay your thanks to the one who has given you the pleasure and if it makes you gloomy then never underestimate an individual power that every person actually have.

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This is a best-case scenario, based on the assumption that the world manages to limit average global warming to 1.


Meant to fly without remote control guidance and with a maximum flight duration of 30 minutes, it comes with plenty of fail-safes in case of trouble: back-up batteries, rotors and, for a worst case scenario, a couple of parachutes.


The next morning, the very same scenario occurred, and I felt even more foolish.


"That would be my perfect scenario.


Find the scenario that best matches your hand and see if what follows is an accurate description of your personality.


In another scenario, groups of children played a new board game.


" ——2060"" In the hypothetical scenario, you can only screen secretaries once.


This prospect represents the rosy scenario for the companies leading the AI and robotics charge.


The situation I'm dealing with is complicated and nuanced but sufficed to say I'm dealing with a scenario where I've been strung along and subjected to a casual lack of respect that is nothing short of astonishing.


Diamond: strong jaw and angular cheek bones : The best-case scenario here is to pair a beard with a fringed haircut like a faux hawk or textured crop.


One likely scenario is that he will continue working for East Anglian Air Ambulance until the summer, even though his contract with Bond Air Services expires in March.


Each of his fellow futurist inmates seems to have walked through a worst-case scenario and ended shattered from gazing into the abyss.


It is especially a great find because NASA has shown a history of not admitting to the possibility of otherworldly lifeforms like aliens or the existence of UFOs, but in this specific scenario, this photo has been taken by NASA themselves.


Fuhgeddaboudit: "In representations of regional speech (associated especially with New York and New Jersey): 'forget about it', used to indicate that a suggested scenario is unlikely or undesirable.


Stressful situations like work deadlines and falling behind on bill payments can set up a scenario in which the reward portion of your brain takes control of your exhausted mind, making it difficult to resist diet-derailing foods.


'I assumed it was a gag gift type scenario and laughed.

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In that scenario, I would never catch up with the ship.

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