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But now Lydgate came in; the book was closed before he reached Rosamond's corner, and as he took his seat with easy confidence on the other side of her, young Plymdale's jaw fell like a barometer towards the cheerless side of change.


Allen, not having his own skies and barometer about him, declined giving any absolute promise of sunshine.


No man can open up the question of temperature or humidity or the glad sunshine with me, and then turn tail on it without its leading to a falling barometer.

火箭安东尼分道扬镳!麦迪 他应该选择退役

For each of the 59, we looked at three different factors: career points per game (the standard barometer for scorers), career points (giving credit to longevity) and career true shooting percentage (giving credit to efficiency, whether earned with close-range shots, long-range buckets or free-throw frequency).


But job numbers alone are an increasingly crude barometer of economic health.


I read the examination problem:" Show how it is possible to determine the height of a tall building with the aid of a barometer.


The list, established in 2006, is considered to be the barometer of Chinese companies' soft power.


College graduates employment is like a barometer, helping decision-makers to differentiate fast-developing emerging industries from those that are declining or facing challenges, Guo said.


The findings come from the latest well-being work barometer, carried out by Edenred-Ipsos, which questioned 14,400 employees in 15 countries around the world and found that 71 percent of people reported feeling positive about their work.


Now, for those who think that your body shape is only a barometer of the style of jeans you choose, or if you should opt for the A-line vs.


Now, for those who think that your body shape is only a barometer of the style of jeans you choose, or if you should opt for the A-line vs.

倾听内心世界 这不是你想要的生活

Yet when you who seek validation frequently, praise becomes the barometer from which you determine what is right and wrong.

英语名人名言: Weather 天气

Alice Hoffman, 'Here on Earth' Barometer, n.

英语小说:Between Rounds

When the corners of her mouth went down suddenly like a barometer it usually foretold a fall of crockery and tinware.

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