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He went home and read far into the smallest hour, bringing a much more testing vision of details and relations into this pathological study than he had ever thought it necessary to apply to the complexities of love and marriage, these being subjects on which he felt himself amply informed by literature, and that traditional wisdom which is handed down in the genial conversation of men.


Despite her complexities, she must contend with being called "tough" and "brusque," making the "she's-tough stereotype" her least favorite.


As we grow, we develop many complexities due to many influences in our lives.


jpg During an interview at the conference, she acknowledged the complexities of working sustainably and responsibly: "There are millions of limitations from a design and creative point of view.

这幅画卖出300万天价 但它的创作者却“不是人”

Credit: Obvious Portraiture is a tough genre for AI to take on, according to Christie's, "since humans are highly attuned to the curves and complexities of a face in a way that a machine cannot be.


This appears to be an attempt of the e-commerce giant to solve the complexities of buying clothes online, as many customers prefer to try them on before making a decision.


Although I had the opportunity of being taught by him in only 1 online course (Coursera) on Machine learning, I believe his way of teaching was so simplistic and devoid of any mathematical complexities that even a non-tech guy could have easily understood the basic concepts underlying machine learning and its real world applications.


As the world watches for policy clues from the new administration, the daily tweeting is showing up Mr Trump's ignorance of diplomatic subtleties and seeming disregard for geopolitical complexities.

《釜山行》 生死面前的爱

Compared with the familiar gore-fests of TV series like The Walking Dead (2010-), Train to Busan actually provides a less bloody setting, instead focusing on the complexities of human behavior, rather than the senseless *shedding of limbs.

中国历史名人:Mao Dun茅盾

These works manifested Mao Dun's artistic talent for depicting the complexities of society and historical trends.


If we are made wiser by a constant appreciation of the complexities of what we are attempting, the faster we shall move towards a solution of the really imperative problems that confront us everywhere.


You will go back to when you were just another kid who was free of all life's complexities.


What mesmerises the chess world is that even with the game's unfathomable complexities, Carlsen has a seemingly innate understanding of where to put the pieces – as if chess were his mother tongue.


It affects how we manage behavior, navigate social complexities, and make personal decisions to achieve positive results.


But the complexities of the task in this country don't erase a fundamental fact that overly structured classrooms do not benefit many young children.


"These kids' frontal temporal lobes are barely formed," Gillespie says; as teachers, she and her peers "are trying to open their minds, to see complexities and tensions.

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