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Casaubon had imagined that his long studious bachelorhood had stored up for him a compound interest of enjoyment, and that large drafts on his affections would not fail to be honored; for we all of us, grave or light, get our thoughts entangled in metaphors, and act fatally on the strength of them.


The introduction on the company's official website says that Monkie Kid finds himself and his friends entangled in adventures full of action, mystery and magic as they fight the Bull Demon King with the help of the Monkey King's golden bar.

故事:Manatee meeting

But I also knew how common it was for these lumbering giants to be gashed by boat propellers or entangled in crab traps.

Law 法律篇

( A) aws are generally found to be nets of such a texture, as the little creep through, the great break through, and the middle-sized are alone entangled in.


From 1985 to 1991, the US and Japan were entangled in six years of negotiations covering fields like semiconductors, super computers, and telecommunications, and signed a series of agreements, including two on semiconductors and four on market access, with the most notable ones being the Plaza treaty and the Maekawa report.


The chilling drama about a wealthy family entangled in deadly political and business intrigues was also voted best film by audiences.


QUESS, as planned, will also beam entangled photons to two Earth stations, 1,200 kilometers apart, in a move to test quantum entanglement over a greater distance.


US runner Abbey D'Agostino encouraged New Zealand's Nikki Hamblin as she lay dazed on the track after the two entangled and fell.

中国游客丢钱包 误入德国难民营

" A translation app confirmed Mr Schluetermann's suspicions that the tourist had got entangled in the asylum system by mistake.


But I also knew how common it was for these lumbering giants to be gashed by boat propellers or entangled in crab traps.

外国人说:妈妈老婆同时掉水里 先救谁?

Upon reaching solid ground I looked back and discovered that both my father and husband were clinging to the boat which had followed me to the bank BECAUSE MY DAUGHTER'S SHOE STRINGS WERE ENTANGLED WITHIN THE LINE FROM A FISHING POLE WHICH WAS LODGED IN THE BOTTOM OF THE BOAT.


Unfortunately his feet were entangled in the gold chain and he drowned.


Large pieces such as intact plastic bags are a hazard for animals from turtles to dolphins, which can become entangled or swallow them with fatal results.


A aws are generally found to be nets of such a texture, as the little creep through, the great break through, and the middle-sized are alone entangled in .


( A) Laws are generally found to be nets of such a texture, as the little creep through, the great break through, and the middle-sized are alone entangled in.

一千零一夜:Seventh and Last Voyage

I had indeed good reason for my terror when, an instant later, the largest of the animals wound his trunk round the stem of my tree, and with one mighty effort tore it up by the roots, bringing me to the ground entangled in its branches.

伊索寓言:The Eagle and the Jackdaw

He flew round with a great whirr of his wings, and settled upon a large sheep, with the intention of carrying it off, but his claws becoming entangled in its fleece, he was unable to release himself, although he fluttered with his feathers as much as he could.

伊索寓言:The Gnat and the Lion

But shortly afterwards he became entangled in the meshes of a cobweb, and was eaten by a spider.

伊索寓言:The Stag at the Pool

The Stag betook himself to flight, and kept himself with ease at a safe distance from the Lion, until he entered a wood and became entangled with his horns.

格林童话英文版:Snow-White and Rose-Red

They held him fast and tried to free his beard from the line, but all in vain, beard and line were entangled fast together.

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