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She probably imagined that she was thinking about the Aids and their missionary box and the new carpet for the vestry room, but under these reflections was a harmonious consciousness of red fields smoking into pale-purply mists in the declining sun, of long, sharp-pointed fir shadows falling over the meadow beyond the brook, of still, crimson-budded maples around a mirrorlike wood pool, of a wakening in the world and a stir of hidden pulses under the gray sod.

旅游英语:颐和园 The Summer Palace

At the northeastern corner of the garden there is the Garden of Harmonious Interest which imitates the famous Jichang Garden(8) in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province.


The waist drum dance is characterized by strong and varied rhythm,vigorous and dynamic style,a harmonious combination between drum beating and dancing.


So, let us all play our part in composing the rhythm of life by consciously choosing peace and harmony in our daily lives to create a harmonious Uni-verse.


With friendship, life is happy and harmonious.


And if they could combine the beauty of the woman with the talents of the great man,that would be greatly harmonious.

荷塘月色 Moonlight over the Lotus Pond 英文版

The moonlight is not spread evenly over the pond, but rather in a harmonious rhythm of light and shade, like a famous melody played on a violin.

The Scenery Outside My Window 窗外的风景

Can't it be said thatlife is actually a symphony, a harmonious composition of loss andgain.


For another, it is acknowledged that the rehabilitation of Sinology can contribute to the establishment of a harmonious society.


When installed with strings and plucked, it gave out a wonderful sound, harmonious and pleasing to the ear.

Don’t Be So Mean 别那么苛刻

Creating a harmonious environment needs everybody's contribution.


It is more likely to establish a harmonious interpersonal relationship and help create a good social climate.

About Kinship 关于亲情

What a harmonious atmosphere.


We need to create a harmonious society.


In ancient times, human beings and gods coexisted in the world and were happy and harmonious.


Can't it be said that life is actually a symphony, a harmonious composition of loss gain.


It is more likely to establish a harmonious interpersonal relationship and help create a good social climate.


Professor Wayne Hochwarter, author of the study, found that highly stressed employees had a 25 percent higher level of concentration levels if they had a harmonious home life.


Only by coordinating with one another can they compose temperament, and only by being orderly can they play harmonious and pleasant music.


Wish roses: harmonious!

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