The bald eagle is indigenous to North America.
She is very comely, with the beauty indigenous to this country.
Certain indigenous plants were discovered, and those fit for immediate use contributed to vary the vegetable stores of Granite House.
He wants to reduce restrictions on the mining industry, and has proposed opening up indigenous land areas and parts of the Amazon rain forest for mining.
They were brewing things like dates, pomegranates and other indigenous herbs.
Cambodia also happens to be one of the countries in which the trees producing gamboge are indigenous.
The board of the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park voted unanimously to end the climb because of indigenous sensitivities.
Australia's indigenous groups have eaten insects for protein for generations.
Xinhua cited him urging indigenous innovation to make AECC a world leader in aero-engines.
They ran the experiment in 24 societies around the globe, including indigenous tribes in New Guinea, tiny villages in Peru and cities in India and China.
A team of researchers from Simon Fraser University, Canada, looked at 75 indigenous Guatemalan women from two neighboring rural communities and collected data on the number of children the women had given birth to.
The study, the findings of which were published in the science journal Cell Research, found that Chinese indigenous dogs represent an intermediate form between wolves and breed dogs, and that they have not experienced intense artificial selection.
Eventually the crabs, indigenous to the northern Pacific, grew to accept their warmer home, breeding prolifically, moulting more regularly and growing up to 2m in leg span.
The character of Squanto, for instance, is portrayed in Thanksgiving stories as a kind-hearted indigenous translator who shared helpful farming tips with the Europeans.
He called some of the extinct species, such as the lesser bilby, desert bandicoot, crescent nailtail wallaby and big-eared hopping, "delightful creatures, rich in importance in Australian Indigenous culture, and formerly playing important roles in the ecology of our country.
The koru depicts an unfurling fern frond and is a symbol often used in indigenous Maori art.
If completed, the railway would stretch 5,300km but campaigners fear the impact on indigenous people.
China Youth Daily has called them the Internet's indigenous residents; The Beijing News said their lifestyles seem naturally integrated with technology; and Zhang Xiaoquan, the 1995-born author of "I am Different From This World", noted outsiders must crack their code of discourse to gain access to the complexity of their minds.
When fur prices tumbled in the 1980s, due to the anti-fur campaign, the biggest victims were not the rich women whose coats were doused in red paint — but indigenous groups, in places such as Canada, who had relied on the fur trade for their living.
Geely and other indigenous producers, like BYD, of inexpensive, often utilitarian cars have lost market share as buyers have chosen costlier models from multinationals when they are able to obtain scarce license plates through auctions or lotteries.