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There is a model: the animal, plant or substrate being initiated.


Some time before 265,the cultures and esthetic views of the peoples in north and south China merged because of the moves initiated by frequent wars.


In his view, Chinese astronomical knowledge had advanced following the adoption of the new, more accurate Jesuit calendar following the reform initiated by Xu Guangqi in 1629.


The prose collection Dawn Blossoms Plucked at Dusk and Wild Grass respectively initiated the two kinds of trend and tradition in prose creation, called "casual talk" and"soliloguy".


After three years of servitude and humiliation with his wife in the State of Wu,he gained the trust of King Fu Chai who eventually allowed him to return to his state where he resumed his rule and initiated major reforms.


Seeing that Xia Dynasty began to falter, Tang initiated eleven wars against Xia Dynasty, taking large quantities of land and subduing many vassal states.


Laughter yoga involves self-triggered laughter that is not necessarily initiated by humour.


Klorman himself initiated the highly successful "Classical Blue Jeans" series in upstate New York, where both audience members and musicians wear blue jeans, share a pre-concert barbecue and repair to a barn for the concert itself, where concertgoers are invited to offer instant feedback to the musicians.


When the bug is activated, the person who initiated the call is able to hear the live audio on the other person's phone, even though the recipient has not accepted the call.

为鼓励学生锻炼 商丘一高校发起晨跑送早餐活动

" The campaign was initiated by the student news agency of the college.


The trade war the US is initiating against China seems to be escalating much faster than the one it initiated against Japan.


The flower viewing parties are believed to have started in the eighth century in Kyoto, initiated by the emperor Saga, who would hold picnics under the springtime blossoms.


And many of the interactions between US businesses and local government and the Chinese government at various levels are not initiated by people in China but are the result of the concerns of local governments in the US over Trump's extreme trade policies.


The process will be initiated in the five years starting from 2018 within the term of the sitting Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress (NPC), according to the NPC legislative agenda released this week.


The research leader, Noreen Maconochie, a senior lecturer at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine said, "The findings related to low pre-pregnancy weight, previous termination, stress and change of partner are noteworthy, and we suggest further work be initiated in other study populations.


Peking University has a glorious revolutionary tradition In 1919,the anti-impe-rialist and anti-feudal May 4th Movement was initiated from the university,which had been the Centre of the Chinese New-Culture Movement and the earliest basefor the dissemination of Marxism in China.

名人故事:凯撒·奥古斯都 Caesar Augustus

Caesar Augustus · Many consider Augustus to be Rome's greatest emperor; his policies certainly extended the Empire's life span and initiated the celebrated Pax Romana or Pax Augusta.


49 were initiated as consumers suspected they were fake, compared with 2.


There were action-adventure movies, multi-sequel science-fiction allegories, comic books that had initiated generations of fans in the pleasures of serial narration.


The carbon emission trading system will be initiated, and a national carbon market will be gradually established, Li noted.

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