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The decades-long trade war failed to reverse the decline in US industries but it did reshape Japan's development model, accelerate its supply chain development, and bolster its global mergers and acquisitions.


The government said that only a small number of investment activities, mergers and transactions in Britain actually pose a risk to national security.


In recent years the focus of French business schools has been on consolidation and mergers, such as those that created both Neoma and Kedge in 2013.


Fuelled by the never-ending cycle of mergers and demergers, inventing new names is an annuity business for brand gurus and a dependable source of nonsensical justifications from the marketing department.


6tn, led by blockbuster $10bn-plus deals to finance large mergers and acquisitions.


The deal is the latest in a series of mergers involving container-shipping lines, spurred by sluggish trade growth and overcapacity that have served to create some of the worst conditions in the sector's 60-year history.


ICBC set up a special team in its Mumbai branch in 2015 to provide its Chinese clients with consultation services for mergers and acquisitions in India.


That would be likely to mean more job losses and investment cuts, as well as possibly dividend cuts and more defensive mergers and acquisitions.


If that were not enough, this month the China Securities Regulatory Commission said it was examining the effect that returning take-privates could have on mainland markets — a study that includes reverse mergers into shell companies as well as IPOs.


Machine learning algorithms are already starting to supplant the likes of mergers and acquisition bankers and currency traders.


A feature of the boom in mergers and acquisitions, the move allows a US company to capture a lower tax rate by using a takeover to move its domicile overseas.


The disclosure contained in the annual report to Congress of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the US comes amid a number of new mergers and acquisitions out of China being submitted for review.


The Chinese mergers and acquisition spree outside of the domestic market comes at time when its economy is growing at it lowest pace in three decades.


The tie-up of the fashion sites, both backed by Hillhouse Capital Management, follows the mergers of travel sites C-trip and Qunar as well as group-buying websites Meituan and Dianping.


Robin Li, the chairman and chief executive of Baidu, and Tony Yip, the head of investments, mergers and acquisitions, have been appointed to Ctrip's board.

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