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pretax income," thanks to the tax overhaul bill pushed through Congress and signed into law by President Donald Trump.


Despite the ominous picture "it is not too late to make a difference, but only if we start now at every level from local to global," said Watson, adding that this would require an overhaul of economic systems and a shift in political and social mindsets.


This is the first year under the lottery reform rules passed in September 2017 — more of an incremental step to deter blatant tanking than a complete overhaul.


However, as the state attempts to overhaul its image, Ri has reportedly been given less and less airtime.


ZTE has had to pay a penalty of $1bn as well as overhaul its board and senior management team as part of the US settlement, although the company is still led by longtime employees.

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The vote, which ends five months of political stalemate in Berlin, could help restore Germany's leadership role in Europe at a time of mounting challenges, including a looming trade war with the US, rising tension over Brexit and French demands for an overhaul of the eurozone.


Then in a 2013 reboot game, Lara received a feminist-friendly overhaul: gone were the short shorts, replaced with practical trousers, and a new backstory that emphasised that she's a human being, not a walking wish-fulfillment fantasy for anyone with a Y-chromosome.


As part of a wider overhaul of Swiss animal protection laws, Bern said that as of March 1, "the practice of plunging live lobsters into boiling water, which is common in restaurants, is no longer permitted".

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Instead, the overhaul was reportedly intended to merely get rid of bad-quality apps, as well as those that violated regulations.


If the rumours are to be believed, the upcoming Mi Max 2 would see a significant overhaul in almost all departments, be it software, hardware, camera or any other.


It comes days after Turkish voters narrowly approved a constitutional overhaul to strengthen Mr Erdogan's grip, a development seen in Brussels as the point of no return for the country's discredited membership talks.


" Cohn and Steven Mnuchin, the treasury secretary, were short on details of the plan that, if passed, would be the largest overhaul of the US tax system since the Reagan era.


Iceland is a major driver behind the upmarket frozen food trend, the report said, as the store has undergone an image overhaul in a bid to rival Aldi and Lidl by becoming the next middle-class bargain haven.


The steady confidence Mr Kogai possesses today follows an extensive overhaul in which he was heavily involved.


UBS has used psychologists, data scientists, shipment specialists and pricing experts to overhaul how it generates investment ideas and recommendations for clients.


First, it is time to overhaul our idea of a perfect employee.


Nadia Daar, head of Oxfam International's Washington office, said the overhaul would shift much of the bank's due diligence on projects until after they are approved.


India's parliament has approved a long-awaited overhaul of the country's fragmented tax system to create a genuine single market in one of the most significant reforms to the Indian economy since liberalisation began 25 years ago.


In the first overhaul of alcohol guidelines for two decades, doctors will reportedly warn that there is no "safe" level of alcohol consumption and drinking just a small amount may in fact increase the risk of some cancers.


The challenging part of my journey is the complete lifestyle overhaul.

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