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双语:西班牙有望超日本 成为人均寿命最高的国家

But while other industrialized nations continue to rise in rankings, the United States is plummeting.

美国高校国际学生入学人数连续下降 大学“哭穷”

At the University of Central Missouri, foreign enrollment surged to 2600 in 2016 before plummeting to just 650 this year, according to data obtained by The AP.


or some time now, schools in Japan have been feeling the crunch of their aging society, and the plummeting number of potential students that come with it.

日本一虾厂无工作时间 工作效率却极高

Some may think allowing staff to manage their own hours would lead to productivity plummeting or a regular shortage of staff.


According to a report released on Wednesday by Save the Elephants, a respected wildlife group in Kenya, the price of ivory is less than half of what it was just three years ago, showing that demand is plummeting.


With just a small number of babies born each year, Ollolai's mayor decided to prevent the population plummeting further by launching the 'houses for 1' scheme in 2015.


Biologist Adam Rutherford outlines the potentially catastrophic impact of plummeting numbers of non-human vertebrate species between now and 2030 - including the rise of smaller predators like rats as a knock-on effect should we lose apex predators such as lions and tigers.


This plummeting cost, along with the shortened timescales for sequencing DNA, has led to a revolution in biotechnology: gene hacking, or the ability to turn genes on and off, and to manipulate biology to our advantage.


The prices for package tours to countries that saw plummeting visitor numbers in 2016--such as Egypt, Turkey and Italy--are being reduced by up to 30%.

委内瑞拉通胀危机 商店收款不是点钞而是称重

In 2014, plummeting global oil prices decimated Venezuela's economy.

脱欧致英镑贬值 赴英旅游升温

Airlines and touring companies have been inundated with requests from Americans hoping to take advantage of the plummeting value of the pound against the dollar.


For most of the past three decades world trade has grown at twice the rate of global GDP as globalisation has accelerated thanks to the emergence of major players such as China and other factors like the plummeting cost of transporting goods.


But the global benchmark retreated again due to further concerns of a supply glut that have contributed to oil prices plummeting 70 per cent since mid-2014.


But they could now be facing headwinds from a plummeting stock market, dominated by retail investors who could be left out of pocket.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(36)

I looked up, saw the kite plummeting toward us.


" Plummeting Prices One recent day, under a brilliant California sun, saws buzzed as workers put the finishing touches on spacious new homes.

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