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Get up, sir, and do as I order you, without noise, or I will send for a policeman to take you off my premises, and you may carry your stories into every pothouse in the town, but you shall have no sixpence from me to pay your expenses there.


She shall have her weekly allowance paid and no more: and that shall be stopped if you dare to come on to these premises again, or to come into this country after me again.


" "I've no desire to put my foot on the premises again," said Solomon.


At any rate some blood-relations should be on the premises and on the watch against those who were hardly relations at all.


The influence of fresh objects and fresh air, however, was of great use in dissipating these embarrassing associations; and, having reached the ornamental part of the premises, consisting of a walk round two sides of a meadow, on which Henry's genius had begun to act about half a year ago, she was sufficiently recovered to think it prettier than any pleasure-ground she had ever been in before, though there was not a shrub in it higher than the green bench in the corner.


The premises are before you.


The accidental discovery, just made, that the proprietor of the Temperance Tavern kept liquor on his premises, scarcely fluttered the public pulse, tremendous as the fact was.


Just as shops can deny service to barefoot customers, restaurants and stores in some states can declare their premises gun-free zones.


() Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises.


A GPS system also tracks student movements even once they have left the school premises.


"Walt Disney World welcomes all Guests to enjoy our parks; however, demonstrations and the display of signs and banners is not permitted on the premises.

美容英语:一起来做个SPA吧 够时尚

It wasn't until about 1960 that people began opening health clubs and calling them spas without having a hot-springs on the premises.


Four police officers were stationed on double shifts at each of the 85 locations exam questions are kept and police patrolled the premises every two hours to prevent their leaking.


The shops allow customers to take their purchases away with them, have them delivered, or eat them on the premises.


In-store cameras use facial recognition to check for unregistered users who shouldn't be on the premises.


Meanwhile, in the shopping world, companies have been offering "scent branding" for retail premises for years in order to enhance the "overall sensory customer experience" - a.


When the leader changes, the prime minister changes, and the evacuation of the premises soon follows.


Bud Dawson, proprietor of the Top Notch Saloon, had, on the evening previous, violently ejected from his premises one Leandro Garcia, for alleged violation of the Top Notch code of behaviour.


13、Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions form insufficient premises.


She said: 'These [holiday blues] can start mid-way through the holiday if you have real problems with your job or the pressures of your job, but for most people they kick in a few hours after you have walked into your business premises.

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