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Not only will the pundits be waiting to see whether this chapter can reunite the fanbase, it also has to tie up the Skywalker saga and pave the way for the next trilogy to follow.

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In the wake of President Donald Trump's disparaging Twitter comments on LeBron James' interview with CNN's Don Lemon, basketball Hall of Famer Michael Jordan expressed his backing of the Los Angeles Lakers forward who has become a viable threat to Jordan in the "greatest" debate among basketball pundits.


Fans and pundits have spoken much more about his theatrics on the pitch, which included dives, rolling and frequent arguing with referees.

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Everyone from pollsters to pundits got the result of the US presidential election wrong.


Many pundits predicted a backlash against removing a technology that, however old, remained in faithful daily service to hundreds of millions of people.


It hasn't escaped the notice of pundits that the political iconoclasts Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump have something in common: they're sceptical about trade.


Other travelers may have heard pundits declare Wednesday the ideal day.


" For all the pundits, critics' panels, insider gossip, statistics and God knows what else, few had picked it.


Many professors do double duty as television pundits, even though sound bites, which are inherently unsubtle, run counter to what scholarship exalts.


"House of Cards" is a political phenomenon that gives journalists, pundits and commentators the Rorschach test they always dream of.

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"" Don't let the pundits and so-called experts convince you that they know any more than you do.

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Proper pundits mutter darkly about rule of law and universal suffrage, shadow banking and debt defaults.

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Remember, plenty of other experienced investors are buying in at this valuation expecting asset-light Uber to be worth at least $100 billion at IPO — and many pundits called Fidelity nuts to invest at a $17 billion pre-money just six months ago (similar accusations were hurled at TPG and Google Ventures for giving it a $2 billion+ mark in the summer of 2013).

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