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如何推销自我How to Sell Yourself

I don't want to look pushy either!

乔布斯传 第17期:上学(5)

There was some resentment among his fellow line workers toward the pushy kid who had talked his way in by calling the CEO.


The theory that women get paid less than men because they are not sufficiently pushy in the workplace is not true, a new study suggests.


Pushy office workers keen to impress bosses are increasingly using 'ego mail' as a way to get ahead of their colleagues.


As predicted, being a jerk isn't advantageous for coming up with useful, original ideas, but it does seem to be advantageous for getting your ideas heard, especially in an environment consisting of pushy character.

争取加薪成功率 女性较男性低

The theory that women get paid less than men because they are not sufficiently pushy in the workplace is not true, a new study suggests.


Don't be pushy or preachy.


" I'M NO EXPERT, BUT , Avoid this phrase, even if you're saying it to try not to sound pushy.


And parents from Jiangsu are "outstanding representatives" of pushy parents.


As predicted, being a jerk isn't advantageous for coming up with useful, original ideas, but it does seem to be advantageous for getting your ideas heard, especially in an environment consisting of pushy character.


Following two timelines, the 108-minute film weaves the prince's poetic tale into a modern story, which revolves around a studious teenager's struggle and compromises with her pushy mother.


But console yourself that it's worth it in the end – because being a pushy parent is the best way to prepare her for success, say researchers.


I think no one likes pushy people, especially when you are surrounded by problems and want everyone to leave you alone.


A:Yeah, our boss is very pushy.


Over-exuberance Pushy does not mean keen.


"Some are territorial, some are not; some like people, some hate people; some are predatory, some aren't; some are pushy, some are shy.


Being pushy is indeed the worst strategy you can choose.


An Argentinian may see a Scandinavian as cold andaloof, while the Scandinavian may see the Argentinian as pushy andpresumptuous.


Diplomats and business people have a reputation for being pushy, but the best take time to listen.

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