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He was so successful that, in retaliation for his destruction of their opium stocks,the British ravaged large parts of southern China, and Lin was quickly dismissed.


Obama did not impose sanctions on Russia in retaliation for the meddling before the election because he believed it might prompt Moscow into hacking into Election Day vote tabulations.


Japan may also have gained some custom after China banned tour groups from South Korea in retaliation for Seoul's decision to host a US missile shield.


The group, which consists of more than 90 units ranging from retail outlets to chemicals companies, was the primary target throughout 2017 of China's massive economic retaliation against South Korea following Seoul's decision to host a US-owned missile shield.


Much of the pain is a direct result of Chinese economic retaliation against South Korean companies after Seoul earlier this year began installing a US-owned and operated missile shield on the peninsula to defend against North Korea.


" Beijing cautioned Mr Trump against a trade war this week, with the state-run Global Times newspaper warning of a retaliation that would see sales of US goods including iPhones cut off in China.


" The commission's decision is a rebuff to US efforts to persuade it to drop the case after warnings of retaliation from Washington.


" Speaking of the negotiations that must come between the UK and the EU following this vote, he said: "Any retaliation and whinge is out of the question.


In retaliation, the firm's CEO Jack Ma pulled out from his scheduled slot as a speaker at the Coalition's annual conference.


He was so successful that, in retaliation for his destruction of their opium stocks,the British ravaged large parts of southern China, and Lin was quickly dismissed.


Russia banned most EU and US produce, meat and dairy last August in retaliation against western sanctions.


Things soon go awry, however, when the bride finds out her groom has cheated and bitter retaliation erupts.


In retaliation ,Poseidon dragged him before a group of Athenian judges for trial.


【Ralph Waldo Emerson(、、)】(Hotch) Episode 11: Retaliation Men are more ready to repay an injury than a benefit, because gratitude is a burden and revenge, a pleasure ,.


】(Rossi) ●Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression, or retaliation.

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