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I used to revel in all the wild yarns they told of me.


She used to wake up and revel silently in the cosiness of those winter nights on that little island in the frozen lake.


They revel in other people's problems and mistakes and announce their business to the world.

去经历去体验 做最好最真实的自己

And when we do, we revel in the natural beauty of Kauai's Na Pali Coast, the Grand Canyon, the Alps.


" It's well-documented that wearers feels more physically attractive and consequently revel in a higher sense of self-esteem while wearing makeup, but the effect of cosmetics on cognitive abilities hadn't previously been determined.


People revel in the beautiful autumn scenes,and enjoy the fresh air and warm sunshine.


For the crucial fourth quarter, where retailers revel in holiday season shopping, Amazon forecast sales between $42bn and $45.

城市的未来发展 不要扼杀城市的独特性

They revel in their continued popularity and the status of their property as what the City of London's former planner, Peter Rees called "safe deposit boxes" for the super-rich, while failing to ensure they remain accessible to a social mix.


Revel in the glory, eldest siblings.


" Someday, nearly all work could be automated, leaving humans to revel in never-ending leisure time.


Revel in the knowledge that you don't have to share one bite with anyone else, and you can order as much food as you want without judgement – except maybe from the delivery guy.


I don't care if he can't play a bit of golf with me—as long as he can play with the children you give him and revel in all the glorious and frustrating ways they are just like you.

从二次元到三次元 聊聊弹幕那些事儿

Video streaming websites in China have proven to be fertile ground for a giant community of "subtitles shooters" who revel in the creation and spread of memes, slang terms, and pop culture references, which find their way onto screens during movies, in subtitle form.

三万元遗产 The $30,000 Bequest(4)

what a luxury it becomes; how we fly to its enchantments at every idle moment, how we revel in them, steep our souls in them, intoxicate ourselves with their beguiling fantasies--oh yes, and how soon and how easily our dream life and our material life become so intermingled and so fused together that we can't quite tell which is which, any more.


Lenski adds, "It was a little more of a drunken revel, but the Christians put clothes back on it.


Some financial advisers revel in yoga's revelations.

彼岸无尽头 知足才长乐

We already have enough, so we should revel in our own interior abundance.

一千零一夜:The Little Hunchback

Part of his house was occupied by a great storeroom, where rats and mice held high revel.

伊索寓言:The Dog Invited to Supper

I shall revel in dainties, and I will take good care to lay in an ample stock to-night, for I may have nothing to eat to-morrow.

格林童话英文版:The Golden Bird

So he went into the cheerful one, lived there in riot and revel, and forgot the bird and his father, and all good counsels.

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