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Frederick, in her systematic way, had long ago appointed the second week in June for the repairing of the front porch, the roof of which was sagging dangerously.


Uncle James thought the conversation was sagging to a rather low plane of personal gossip.


Its presence under your skin can keep it from sagging over time.


'It exacerbates natural processes that occur from our mid-thirties, damaging collagen and elastin and leading to reduced skin elasticity, twrinkles and sagging.


Over time, these AGEs build up and attach themselves to collagen, which can lead to wrinkles and sagging, writes Ana Reisdorf, MS, RD, on thelist.


" "Yes," replied the man, with sagging confidence, "and what shall we live on while I am writing it?


Technology addicts may be at risk of sagging jowls, according to aesthetic experts.


"The motions caused by constant gum chewing can lead to creases around the mouth, even sagging jowls," says Macrene Alexiades, M.


Eyelid surgeries, intended to lift sagging eyelids: 209,020 procedures.


Since we have found the key point of saggy butt, we can proceed first from each meal every day, to eat some foods containing vegetable fat or vegetable protein, such as tofu, which is the best choice to prevent from butt sagging.


It shows hidden hazards: 3437,: Some sections have been hollowed out over time, and are sagging.


Some industry insiders believe the fierce competition in November comes from the sagging situation of China's movie industry this year.


This enzyme breaks down skin collagen and elastin, the structures that keep the skin firm and youthful, leading to the development of fine lines and wrinkles, not to mention sagging skin.


"The motions caused by constant gum chewing can lead to creases around the mouth, even sagging jowls," says Macrene Alexiades, M.


The signs: • Always switched on () • Instagram addict Instagram • Constantly texting • Poor posture • Sagging jaw • Double chin • Forehead creases • Jaw tension • Tired eyes • Tight neck muscles aka "text neck" '''' How to beat it: Try and implement a "digital downtime" for a few hours every day.


The signs: • Rounded, puffy face • Double chin • Sagging jowls • Less pronounced features How to beat it: It's very important to drink a lot of water and add a piece of lemon or cucumber as it will make your water taste better and helps the body to detox and will help with puffy eyes.


Expanding exports is part of a strategy to bolster sales, which are sagging in China.


So it will be interesting to see if Twitter's sagging stock price will attract any activist investors looking to shake things up.


Basking in the rays may pay off in the short run with a glistening tan, but in the long run it leads to age spots, wrinkling and sagging of the skin.


Sagging valuations at upstart tech companies have undoubtedly frustrated their venture capital backers in recent months.

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