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The fireplace, where she had expected the ample width and ponderous carving of former times, was contracted to a Rumford, with slabs of plain though handsome marble, and ornaments over it of the prettiest English china.

迷人四月天:Chapter 5

The steps ended in a steeply sloping path with flat stone slabs down the middle.


The Sun reports that former receptionist Lynne, 47, has been selling used children's clothes on Facebook for around 2 pounds, as well as old football boots, baby blankets and patio slabs.


Elevator cabs clad in backlit slabs of rose and green onyx suggest medieval reliquaries.


Usually you look for certain foods in hopes of losing your love handles or packing on slabs of muscle.

阿胶需求量太大 尼日尔的驴都不够用

Donkey gelatin is sometimes mixed with walnuts, goji berries and other tonic foods and sold in dark, gummy slabs that can be eaten as a snack.


Slabs of granite, quarried relentlessly from the once volcanic heart of the island, make up the base of the wall.


The company has placed layers of silicon solar cells in between concrete slabs and a layer of tempered glass.

外媒看中国 长城为何渐渐消失

" Poor villagers in Lulong county in the northern province of Hebei used to knock thick grey bricks from a section of wall in their village to build homes, and slabs engraved with Chinese characters were sold for 30 yuan ($4.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(50)

Worn bicycle tires, bottles with peeled labels, ripped up magazines, yellowed newspapers, all scattered amid a pile of bricks and slabs of cement.


Battery technology still relies on chemical reactions taking place inside those innocent-looking slabs of plastic, and improvements happen, according to Isidor Buchmann, founder and chief executive of Canadian battery-charger maker Cadex Electronics Inc.

安徒生童话英文版:The Ice Maiden-III

Smooth as polished marble slabs, the waves of snow cracked and loosened themselves, and then suddenly, with the rumbling noise of distant thunder, fell like a foaming cataract into the abyss.

安徒生童话英文版:What the Moon Saw-Eleventh Evening

They wanted to see the city that had risen from the grave illumined by my beams; and I showed them the wheel-ruts in the streets paved with broad lava slabs; I showed them the names on the doors, and the signs that hung there yet: they saw in the little courtyard the basins of the fountains, ornamented with shells; but no jet of water gushed upwards, no songs sounded forth from the richly-painted chambers, where the bronze dog kept the door.

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