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She knew that Will had received a severe blow, but she had been little used to imagining other people's states of mind except as a material cut into shape by her own wishes; and she believed in her own power to soothe or subdue.


Its long, damp passages, its narrow cells and ruined chapel, were to be within her daily reach, and she could not entirely subdue the hope of some traditional legends, some awful memorials of an injured and ill-fated nun.


One day, an old man came to their rescue, offering to subdue Nian.


the supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without weapon what is bugging you sworn brother , it's dying art gentlemen agreement I'm trying to make ends meet prosperity makes friends, adversity tries them.

The Great Society

For a century we labored to settle and to subdue a continent.

培根散文随笔集 论人的天性

Force maketh nature more violent in me return: doctrine and discourse maketh nature less importune: but custom only doth alter and subdue nature.

英语名人名言: Money 金钱

Charles Dickens (1812 - 1870), David Copperfield, 1849 Subdue your appetites, my dears, and you've conquered human nature.

英语名人名言:food 食物

Calvin Trillin (1935 - ) Subdue your appetites, my dears, and you've conquered human nature.

格林童话英文版:The Singing, Soaring Lark

The night wind then said to her, I will advise you, go to the red sea, on the right bank are some tall reeds, count them, break off the eleventh, and strike the dragon with it, then the lion will be able to subdue it, and both then will regain their human form.

格林童话英文版:The Valiant Little Tailor

" "Oh, yes," he replied, "I will soon subdue the giants, and do not require the help of the hundred horsemen to do it; he who can hit seven with one blow has no need to be afraid of two.

安徒生童话英文版:Godfather’s Picture Book

" 'I shall tame and subdue them!

安徒生童话英文版:The Bishop of Børglum and His Warriors

"Thou Børglum bishop," he exclaims, "I shall subdue thee after all!

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