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It was perhaps this negation in the Doctor which made his neighbors call him hard-headed and dry-witted; conditions of texture which were also held favorable to the storing of judgments connected with drugs.


The low, rounded loaves have a slightly crisp exterior that earns them pride of place on the Moroccan table, where their fluffy texture is ideal for absorbing aromatic tajine sauce.


An elongated shape maximizes the contrast in texture, from the tender interior to crisp, brown tips.


It would be mortifying to the feelings of many ladies, could they be made to understand how little the heart of man is affected by what is costly or new in their attire; how little it is biased by the texture of their muslin, and how unsusceptible of peculiar tenderness towards the spotted, the sprigged, the mull, or the jackonet.

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Fisher, being old, was of a closer, more impermeable texture, and offered more resistance; but she too had odd sensations, also in their place to be described.


A man in the UK currently has the job and he spends his days painting sheets of cardboard to test how long new paint mixes take to dry and watching for changes in color and texture.


For these and other such cultural groups, what we would call "colour" is described by a rich vocabulary referring to texture, physical sensation and functional purpose.


About Clothes Texture Clothes are different not because of their style and design,but because of the cloth texture too.


This means you won't feel the texture of the beads through the plush blanket (unless you're a character from The Princess and The Pea, that is).


A handful of other pasta-straw startups also exist, though Stroodles is hoping to differentiate itself with a smoother, more plastic-like texture and its branding.


This problem of getting clear texture is one that confronts student conductors: they have to learn to know every note of the music and how it should sound, and they have to aim at controlling these sound with fanatical but selfless authority .


The fried dough twists produced in Tianjin are the most famous in China, due to their renowned crispy texture and rich flavor.

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( A) aws are generally found to be nets of such a texture, as the little creep through, the great break through, and the middle-sized are alone entangled in.

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Besides, by the use of 3D printing, the packaging also presents the texture of embroidery, which makes it nearly a delicate art piece.


While some consider it the "king of fruits", likening its creamy texture and intense aroma to blue cheese, detractors consider its odour to be closer to sewage, stale vomit or damp socks.


"You can easily pluck them out just a few at a time and put them straight in the bottom of your bowl before topping with hot oatmeal, or add to a smoothie for more texture.

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The product, which begins life as a 'straw-colored paste', is said to have a similar texture to genuine steaks and is designed to combat the environmental effect of meat production.

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" To achieve a similar texture and taste, the company tested more than 20 types of cream, 70 different vanilla flavorings and created a new bottle to make sure the proper amounts of flavor are dispensed.


Not only does the surface of the brush have a granular texture to optimise lash adherence and product deposit, but it's also endowed with "microcavities", which allow it to absorb the mascara formula and build lash volume with each stroke.

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