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This hunchback must not suppose that his acquaintance with fighting stories put him on a par with an actual fighting hero, like Tom Tulliver.


The children were used to hear themselves talked of as freely as if they were birds, and could understand nothing, however they might stretch their necks and listen; but on this occasion Mrs Tulliver manifested an unusual discretion, because she had recently had evidence that the going to school to a clergyman was a sore point with Tom, who looked at it as very much on a par with going to school to a constable.


Quel ch'ella par quand' un poco sorride, Non si può dicer, nè tener a mente, Si è nuovo miracolo gentile.


After 20 years of marriage, he had let his appearance slip: his paunch was soft, his wardrobe, dated and his personal grooming below par.

世界银行报告显示 中国营商环境得到大幅改善

Since last year, three procedures were removed and consequently it now takes 9 days to start a business, on par with most OECD high-income countries.

世行报告称中国营商环境大幅改善 较去年提升30多位

Since last year, three procedures were removed and consequently it now takes 9 days to start a business, on par with most OECD high income countries.

库里亲笔 生而平等

She's dribbling 100 times in a row now, continuously — and we're working on getting the left hand up to par.


"Sexual tension is par for the course in flirtation," says Rosenberg.


Beckham, famed for his fashionable hairstyles, diamond stud earrings and for wearing a sarong on the beach, is a metrosexual style icon par excellence.


This is the first ever system that could be on a par with human professionals in terms of quality and accuracy.


It seeks to offer service to the nation's economic development,and to make every effort to build itself into an institution on a par with the first-class university in the world.


Emotionally this type of woman is often way below par.


The agency says this is "on par" with average February temperatures in previous years of around 0C with temperatures at night getting down to around -10C.


By the way, the microwaves for this application are very low power -- on par with the radiation that comes out of a cell phone.


The average score of Shanghai test takers in reading is higher than the world average, and their listening and writing scores are on par with the world average.


The report, from the McKinsey Global Institute, echoes a growing view among economists that the robot future is not entirely bleak for humans, though it may take efforts on a par with the post-second world war Marshall Plan and GI Bill to adapt.


In artificial intelligence Baidu is widely considered to have an edge over domestic competitors and is regularly rated on a par with IBM and Google.


" As of September-end, Indian players were at par with Chinese smartphone makers, each having 34% share of the market.


He suggests the necessary transformation could be on a par with the creation of the German welfare state in the 19th century or the New Deal of the 1930s.


8 percent in August over July, while the average rent was on par with that of July, at 4,762 yuan ($713) per unit, according to the market research institute of Chinese real estate service B.

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