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The Spell Seems Broken The suite of rooms opening into each other at Park House looked duly brilliant with lights and flowers and the personal splendors of sixteen couples, with attendant parents and guardians.


If he could go in the suite of some Colonial Governor!


" The drawing-room at the Hôtel de la Fleur was a small room, with a cottage piano, and a suite of mahogany furniture, covered in stamped velvet, neatly arranged around the walls.


I imagined that she saw her husband installed in a luxurious suite of rooms, dining at one smart restaurant after another, and she pictured his days spent at race-meetings and his evenings at the play.


May we go up every staircase, and into every suite of rooms?


The 37-year-old royal's $300,000 baby shower took place in New York City this afternoon in The Mark hotel's incredible Grand Penthouse Suite, which costs a staggering $75,000 per night, making it the most expensive hotel room in the U.


Inside, there are a vast dining room-cum-boardroom, several lounges and a huge bedroom suite with a very luxurious-looking double bed.

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Reporters from anointed publications were ushered in sequentially for their hour with him in his Carlyle Hotel suite, ,, where a Lisa computer was set on a table and surrounded by cut flowers.


The bacterium is impervious to a suite of antibiotics, and can cause blood infections, pneumonia…even death.


Japan's Golden Week began last Saturday -- but the golden ticket everyone wants is a ride on the country's new luxury Train Suite Shiki-Shima.


This week, Zuora unveiled the latest version of what it calls "relationship business management" software—a suite that lets companies transition and maintain a shift from a traditional to a subscription-based revenue model.


The 457 visa was introduced in the 1990s to expedite the entry of business professionals and highly skilled migrants but over time it was opened up to include a broad suite of workers.


The report, based on employee surveys, also showed women represented 35% of those who reach the chief executive suite.

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There was the mortification of beinggreeted by a butler who ceremoniously carried my tatty luggage —a fewthings stuffed into a plastic bag —to the suite ofrooms to which I'd been allocated.


It directs Twitter users to choose from a suite of emotional reactions, including "Agree," "Applause," "Aww" and "Eww," which conjures a set of appropriate GIFs, front-loaded with those featuring the internet's most GIFable celebrities, such as Beyoncé and Oprah.


There are nearly 3,000 cabins (sorry, staterooms) — for which prices start at around £900 per person for a week's cruise up to £2,760 for a luxury suite — some with bunk beds for families with children, and most have balconies.


BAE researcher Sergei Shevchenko said the malware registered itself as aservice and operated in an environment running Swift's AllianceAccess software suite, allowing transactions to be deleted and records changed.


The app, available in June, connects to its suite of apps that include running and training aids and provides access to Nike experts.


The airport said the Los Angeles Suite, which will allow celebrities and diplomats to avoid paparazzi, or protesters, by allowing cars to drop off guests behind closed doors, will be operational at a temporary facility within six months.


man called Mao sui who went up to his host and recommended himself as a member of the Prince's suite.

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