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We've already seen a taste of this with Microsoft's Office suite, which is the full Office experience in a format that's appropriate for your device.


The hand painted ceilings, the horizonless pool, the master suite, the 10,000 square feet, the 14-million-dollar price 4) tag on this home is no where near the top end.


Of course, in the end they found us a suite instead, and the kids celebrated by inviting several classmates to share the Jacuzzi and sleep over — in a room with a maximum official occupancy of two.


Some researchers in the 1970s and '80s suggested that nostalgia could worsen a problem that psychologists call self-discontinuity, which is nicely defined in "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes," by Stephen Stills: "Don't let the past remind us of what we are not now.


The G20, which represents 85 per cent of the global economy, said it agreed a suite of structural reform measures that would boost collective growth by an additional 1.

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The address is 88 East Broadway, but the storefront is around the corner, on Forsyth Street, with a mysterious 106 above the door (a suite number, it turns out).


I'd like to make a reservation for a suite with both shower and bath.

The Enchanted Horse

Here he showed the princess a beautiful suite of rooms, and begged her to rest, while he informed his father of their arrival, and prepared a public reception worthy of her rank.

一千零一夜:Noureddin and the Fair Persian

Now, they were the vizir Giafar and his suite arriving at full speed from Bagdad.

The Adventures of Prince Camaralzaman and the Princess Badoura

" The marriage being thus arranged, the ceremony was fixed for the following day, and the princess employed the intervening time in informing the officers of her suite of what had happened, assuring them that the Princess Badoura had given her full consent to the marriage.

The Story of the Envious Man and of Him Who Was Envied

The sun had not long risen before the Sultan, who was anxious to leave nothing undone that might deliver the princess, arrived with a large suite at the gate of the monastery, and was received by the dervishes with profound respect.

The Story of the Second Calender, Son of a King

My father, who was deeply anxious to secure the friendship of so powerful a monarch, and held besides that a little travel would greatly improve my manners and open my mind, accepted gladly, and in a short time I had set out for India with the ambassador, attended only by a small suite on account of the length of the journey, and the badness of the roads.

一千零一夜:The Story of the Young King of the Black Isles

The Sultan's suite, who had encamped by the lake, were not a little astonished to see themselves in the middle of a large and beautiful town.


But Miss Kehm dismissed rumours the driver's wife Corinna planned to build a medical suite for him at their home in Gland, Switzerland.

伊索寓言:The Rat and the Elephant

A Rat, traveling on the highway, met a huge elephant, bearing his royal master and his suite, and also his favorite cat and dog, and parrot and monkey.

安徒生童话英文版:The Shadow

There was no light, or at least it seemed in partial darkness, for the door of a whole suite of rooms stood open, and they were brilliantly lighted.

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