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But the examples cited by Pence reflect obvious political bias.


An implicit bias is any unconsciously-held set of associations about a social group.


And, even at the MBA level, there's a bias to spend money.


" The filing said that Harvard "uses a vague 'personal rating' that harms Asian-American applicants' chances for admission and may be infected with racial bias; engages in unlawful racial balancing; and has never seriously considered race-neutral alternatives in its more than 45 years of using race to make admissions decisions.

国际学生人数下降 赴美留学热在降温吗?

But admissions staff have been hearing rumblings from students and parents abroad — some alarmed by news headlines about violence and bias incidents at US schools, others worried about real or potential visa restrictions.

国际学生人数下降 赴美留学热在降温吗?

But admissions staff have been hearing rumblings from students and parents abroad — some alarmed by news headlines about violence and bias incidents at US schools, others worried about real or potential visa restrictions.


Schultz said that he was 'embarrassed' and 'ashamed' over the incident - before he announced that 8,000 stores would be closing for the racial bias training.


Many of the deaths were due to neglect, both within their families and from health practitioners, as well as an "invisible, routine and continued", bias Indian girls experience in food allocation.


" Obviously the study has caveats, as self-reported studies can be prone to personal bias.


Even as economists warn of a demographic emergency caused by the "one child" policy, which was ended in 2015, unwed mothers — even those of legal age — are stigmatized and face legal bias.


Well now, here's an example of gender bias entirely ?


Duke University researchers found that children as young as nine years old can have a bias against fatter children, using their weight to determine if they are 'bad' or 'good'.


They are both survivor bias.


Some of Google's fiercest corporate critics in the US have written to Europe's antitrust chief backing what is expected to be a record fine against the internet search company, and rejecting claims that the case has been fuelled by anti-American bias.


" Last year, an investigation by news organisation ProPublica found that an algorithm used by the US justice system to determine whether criminal defendants were likely to reoffend, had a racial bias.


Replacing male figures in pedestrian crossing lights with women is a step towards gender equality and will "reduce unconscious bias", an Australian lobby group said, as Melbourne rolled out a trial scheme recently.


You might even say the dictionary provided a safe space on social media, or "a place (as on a college campus) intended to be free of bias, conflict, criticism, or potentially threatening actions, ideas, or conversations.


Many Republican lawmakers have accused the UN of having an "anti-Israel" bias that aims to isolate and weaken the Jewish state.

读新闻坏处太多 少读可能更快乐

News feeds the mother of all cognitive errors: confirmation bias.


This tendency is known as the actor-observer bias.

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