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It's managing an ongoing and predictive system so that you don't have to be conscious of what's going on at all times.


And the ongoing saga has provided plenty of fuel for the governor's critics.


According to one of the researchers, Ozioma Okonkwo, ongoing research continues to take a closer look at how exercise could perhaps protect the brain from the onset of Alzheimer's off the back of this new study.


If you don't have an ongoing online dialogue with your customers or if you need a 19 year old to show you the ropes every time you log on to your website's forum, you're behind.

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The campaign comes amid ongoing trade friction between China and the US, which sparked wide discussion that China should be more independent and innovative in core technologies, especially in the academic research sector.


Comcast says it will instead shift all focus to its ongoing efforts to acquire Europe's Sky instead.


No matter how much you love food or how skilled you are in the cooking department, eating well on a consistent basis is an ongoing battle-especially after an exhausting day, when the very thought of cooking dinner (never mind cleaning up the aftermath) sends you straight to the nearest fast-food joint.


Announcing Koko's death on Thursday, the organisation said it "will continue to honour Koko's legacy with ongoing projects".


" In 1999, Mr Harrison received the Medal of the Order of Australia for his "incredible and ongoing support of the blood service and anti-D programme", the organisation stated.


Based on AI,cloud-computing, smart corpus database and the ongoing development in neuromachine technology, neuromachine translation would be the mainstream media in insofar machine automation translation.


" "This historic deal is part of our ongoing efforts to focus and evolve our business to meet changing consumer needs, and we are proud to work alongside a company that is committed to our shared values.


"So far, the Trump Presidency has seen businesses flourish and employment grow, though the ongoing supportive role played by the Federal Reserve has undoubtedly played a part here as well, and wealth inequality remains a prominent issue," said Michael O'Sullivan, CIO for International Wealth Management at Credit Suisse.


The construction of the Nanlong Railway is ongoing and is expected to complete at the end of 2018.


But Junji pointed out that results aren't conclusive and testing is still ongoing.


Research is ongoing as to why and how fertile northern Africa suddenly became the Sahara Desert.


It's just an ongoing thing you're living with.


Rihanna also opens up the ongoing "socks with heels" debate, and in true BadGal fashion, she pulls off the look.


It was unclear last night what the deal might mean for Fox's ongoing attempts to gain full control of Sky – it currently holds a 39 per cent stake in the satellite broadcaster.

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