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Sign up to Facebook FacebookIf you haven't yet got onboard with the Facebook phenomenon, research suggests that signing up to the site could help you to lose weight.


Behavioural Psychologist Donna Dawson said: 'Cabin Fever is a real phenomenon that takes place during the dark winter months, particularly January.


Chemicals pumped out by a chrome factory in Pervouralsk have been blamed for the phenomenon, the latest in a string of environmental concerns thought to be damaging Vladimir Putin's popularity.


Their wedding took place on April 29, 2011, and was a worldwide phenomenon.


So, getting a good internship is not based you don't have someone who works in a Big company, is because you have to accept the fact that there might be this kind of "unfair" phenomenon.


Early retirement by video gamers is not a new phenomenon.


But scientists who study that phenomenon have a solution to free up more spots: ,,,.


Well apparently word vomiting in front of stars is a common phenomenon and the thread soon went viral with people sharing fan freak-outs with famous faces from Taylor Swift to former President Barack Obama.


Researchers at Yale University describe this phenomenon as "cute aggression.


We students should remember that campus is a place for study, so such kind of phenomenon should be prohibited.


What's behind this phenomenon?

美国多州出政策 超过12岁就别在万圣节出去要糖果了!

The phenomenon isn't limited to the US: In 2017, Bathrust, a town in Canada, banned anyone older than 16.


While the phenomenon is not unheard of, it seems lots of trees have bloomed very early in Tokyo this autumn.


This generated a physical phenomenon known as the "Coanda effect" - when a jet of air remains attached to a curved surface - to encourage the hair to curl around the barrel to style without the need for high temperatures.

研究发现 人造檀香或能治疗脱发

Smell is a sensation triggered when molecules of "odorant" chemicals are recognised by special cells in the nose, but the processes underpinning this phenomenon are not confined to the nasal passages.


This phenomenon could be because the pressure to study at university is lower than that of high school.


As a consequence, explanations of the observed phenomenon remained speculative and interest waned with the advent of chemical fertilizers and pesticides to achieve mass agricultural production.


Grey hair is something of a beauty phenomenon.

非洲兴起皮肤美白风潮 青少年正使用注射剂

But medical experts say that in Africa -- a continent where regulations are lax or scorned -- the widening phenomenon is laden with health risks.

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