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The two telescopes deployed this time will provide astronomers with a new window to understand the universe on a nanosecond time scale.


" Police were later deployed to guard the replacement banana.


Facial recognition has been deployed in public bathrooms to dispense toilet paper, in train stations ;to apprehend criminals and in housing complexes to open doors.


Users also can control the lights, television and curtains in the room via Alibaba's voice-activated digital assistant, while robots are deployed to serve dishes, cocktails and coffee.


Authorities have deployed divers and an underwater drone to search the 1,145-square kilometer Lake Toba for the sunken vessel, which was overloaded with passengers and dozens of motorcycles when it capsized Monday evening.

报告指出 肥胖将取代吸烟成为女性患癌首因

" The charity has called for measures including a ban on TV adverts for junk food before the watershed and for restrictions on price promotions of less healthy food and drinks, echoing the combined awareness and legislative campaigns that have been deployed in recent years in response to other public health issues.

印度航班机组忘记增压 导致30名乘客耳鼻流血

Videos tweeted by passengers aboard the plane showed oxygen masks deployed inside the aircraft.


The rooks were deployed for the first time over the weekend, and they'll be working four days a week under close supervision - not for the birds, but to make sure the humans don't deliberately drop rubbish to watch the birds clean it up.


They then deployed artificial intelligence to track and analyze the eye movements of 42 students.


They then deployed artificial intelligence to track and analyze the eye movements of 42 students.

不到一年! ofo准备关闭大部分美国业务

It says it has deployed more such bikes than any other company, leading a business that has reshaped urban transportation in China and other countries in the four years since it took off.


" "A network of low-earth orbit satellites will be deployed delivering global internet coverage," he added.

乔布斯传 第5期:童年,被遗弃和被选择(1)

He was deployed on the USS General M.


" The Paz satellite deployed about 11 minutes after launch, and Microsat-2a and Microsat-2b some time after that.


Swift is using a strategy deployed by Jay-Z and bands like The Rolling Stones -- price tickets high and have seats available on the primary market up until the day of show.


They have since deployed workers to repaint the road.

马来西亚出台措施 严惩边开车边用手机的人

Enforcement personnel and two types of cameras - static and mobile - would be deployed, and those caught red-handed would be slapped with a RM300 fine.


Furthermore, an American study found that children of military staff who were close to a family pet coped better with the emotional stress of having a parent deployed overseas and other difficulties.


This is already more than are deployed across all of Europe, according to analysts at HSBC and CCS Insight.


As more robots replace humans in jobs from construction sites to hospitals, with Pepper already being used in stores and homes and Baxter deployed on assembly lines , the impact of a potential cyber attack increases.

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