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Having once embarked on your marital voyage, it is impossible not to be aware that you make no way and that the sea is not within sight—that, in fact, you are exploring an enclosed basin.

迷人四月天:Chapter 13

Wilkins; and if, after having embarked on it and faced the peril it contained of too much Mrs.

迷人四月天:Chapter 12

Gladstone, that great wise statesman, whose hand had once rested for an unforgettable moment solemnly on her head, would have, she felt, on perceiving Lady Caroline left off talking sense and horribly embarked on badinage.


" They are now embarked on the great adventure of the night when Peter flew in looking for his shadow.


Dr Alfredo Carpineti To work out this mystery the team of researchers embarked on two research cruises deploying 39 seismographers at the bottom of the Atlantic ocean on each side of the ridge.


Guidance counsellor Paolo Trinidad says laughing away problems will promote a healthier mindset, and he has embarked on a mission to spread the laughter and the good vibes.

On Resignation 论放弃

Whatever my personal activities, may be defeated by death, or by certain kinds of diseases; I may be overcome by my enemies; I may find that I have embarked upon an unwise course which cannot lead to success.


Friends actress Lisa Kudrow and singer Cerys Matthews both embarked on motherhood for the first time at 34.

《福布斯》公布收入最高女音乐人榜单 水果姐夺冠

《》 This is the first time she's claimed the top spot since 2015, when she embarked upon the Prismatic tour and raked in $135 million that year.

人生第一笔工资 怎么花才最有意义?

Help someone You've just embarked on a path to self-dependence and financial freedom.

名人励志英语演讲 第49期:我们选择登月(10)

And, therefore, as we set sail we ask God's blessing on the most hazardous and dangerous and greatest adventure on which man has ever embarked.


When she originally embarked on a banking career, it was a "solid profession?

乔布斯传 第7期:童年,被遗弃和被选择(3)

After she and Jandali divorced in 1962, Joanne embarked on a dreamy and peripatetic life that her daughter, 1962,, who grew up to become the acclaimed novelist Mona Simpson, would capture in her book Anywhere but Here.


The same goes for Adele, who released 25 and embarked on her first world tour since 2011 in the period the earnings were taken from.


A study of 130 overweight people discovered those who commuted daily by bike for six months shed virtually as many pounds as those who embarked on a weight-loss fitness programme.


Mr Hahn said there was no time to lose as Brussels embarked on a "fundamental" assessment of its fraught relationship with Turkey amid concern that the new constitution gave Mr Erdogan authoritarian powers and anxiety that he was exploiting last year's failed coup to clamp down on political opponents.


In 2000, the former England captain registered 'David Beckham' as a trademark, while 'Victoria Beckham' was trademarked in 2002 as the former Spice Girl embarked on a solo music career.


I embarked on the journey, turning off my phone for the first time, well, probably ever.


China's official C-section rate has dropped to 35 per cent, and the health ministry has embarked on an unusual attempt to change public perceptions in favour of natural birth.

浙大学生发明用空气洗手装置 获得国际大奖

Soon, Chen, Li and several classmates embarked on the project.

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