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This, according to the study, equates to a maximum ice loss of 73 square km (30 square miles), an area half the size of Liechtenstein.


Having an unplanned and unstructured gap year that essentially equates to a "leave of absence" can be detrimental to students, say Kim and Maloney, because they're more likely to lose their momentum and decide not to attend college altogether.


Having an unplanned and unstructured gap year that essentially equates to a "leave of absence" can be detrimental to students, say Kim and Maloney, because they're more likely to lose their momentum and decide not to attend college altogether.


However, while certain colors seem to embody a universal characteristic – for example, red equates to anger – it's worth remembering some interpretations of color can vary hugely between groups.


This equates to 30 minutes on most days.


There are roughly 102,465 commercial flights each day which, over a year, equates to about four billion air passengers per year.

研究显示 神经质的人每天花更多时间做家务

This equates to almost ten-and-a-half hours a week, with women, who -- according to the study -- are more likely to be neurotic and do more housework, exceeding this.


There are roughly 102,465 commercial flights each day which, over a year, equates to about four billion air passengers per year.

从70后开始 每一代智商降7分

The fall, which equates to about seven points per generation, is believed to have begun with those born in 1975, according to the first authoritative study of the phenomenon.


There are roughly 102,465 commercial flights each day which, over a year, equates to about four billion air passengers per year.


The loss equates to five pounds of goods per Briton per month, the newspaper said.


This equates to 57 days' worth of the amount recommended for women (2,000) and nearly 46 days for men (2,500).


This equates to one-third of the world's population carrying excess weight, fueled by urbanization, poor diets and reduced physical activity.


That equates to the majority of platelets in circulation at any given moment.

每天10个果 医生远离你

Since 80g counts as one serving — roughly one small banana or pear, or three heaped tablespoons of cooked veg — this equates to 10 portions.


This equates to one-third of the world's population carrying excess weight, fueled by urbanization, poor diets and reduced physical activity.


This equates to one-third of the world's population carrying excess weight, fueled by urbanization, poor diets and reduced physical activity.


That equates to $96,000 annually.


What I'm saying is there are some couples who spoil each other (or just the other) with very pricey items when that single present already equates to a month's total of his or her net pay.


Smokers in South Korea are protesting against a new government advert which equates buying cigarettes with buying disease, it's reported.

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