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It would seem that my visit to this remote island should immediately revive my interest in Strickland, but the work I was engaged in occupied my attention to the exclusion of something that was irrelevant, and it was not till I had been there some days that I even remembered his connection with it.


For the most part, they keep their various activities in various compartments, and they can pursue one to the temporary exclusion of the other.

绿山墙的安妮:CHAPTER 31

That thought was doomed to haunt Anne through the waking hours of that winter, Sunday afternoons inclusive, to the almost entire exclusion of moral and theological problems.


This particular version was built with the knowledge of physical laws, including the important Pauli exclusion principle.


Feelings of loneliness or exclusion are actually our brain's way of telling us that we want to seek out greater connections with others and increase our sense of belonging.


The USMCA enshrines a "poison pill" provision on exclusion of "non-market economies", which may well be replicated in other trade agreements.


Years of exclusion from the United States have not dented Huawei's determination to help lead wireless internet into its next era.


However, Alex Fradera, a staff writer at The British Psychological study, proposed a theory: "Some of the very unattractive scored especially low on Openness, and were perhaps highly devoted to a specific topic area, pursuing it obsessively to the exclusion of all distractions and eventually entering the forefront of their field.


His mother, Laura, blames herself: "In retrospect, I see that I gave Patrick technology to play with, to the virtual exclusion of the more traditional toys.


While Taylor admitted that sharing photos of food on social media is relatively common, she said that in some cases it can come at the exclusion of everything else.


Not participating could mean exclusion from a circle of friends, so we always find that children are terribly anxious to respond to messages,' she said.


Last month, a head teacher banned parents from talking to teachers and set up an exclusion zone to prevent abuse at the school gates.


"Many countries in recent years have achieved economic growth at the cost of sharply rising inequality, entrenched social exclusion, and grave damage to the natural environment.


That would leave the UK with no defences to mount against exclusion.


" I firmly believe that if you follow a path that interests you, Not to the exclusion of love, sensitivity, and cooperation with others, But with the strength of conviction, That you can move others by your own efforts, And do not make success or failure the criteria by which you live, The chances are you'll be a person worthy of your own respect.

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As simple as it sounds, the short version of my response is that you have to know what it is you ultimately want to accomplish (optimizing for both passion and skill, and not one at the exclusion of the other).


However, book recommendations from newspapers like The Guardian point out that Ender Wiggins' adventures while training at Battle School (to wipe out war-hungry aliens) include explorations into timeless virtues of courage in the face of peer exclusion.

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My mom and her sister wonder if their mother is suffering the same kind of isolation, exclusion and loneliness; the pain of having outlived every single one of your contemporaries, of having lots to say and no one to listen.

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When later asked to estimate the room temperature, participants who had described social exclusion gave lower estimates.


Today, people are so genuinely proud of Chinese food that some have moved to the other end of the scale, believing in the superiority of what they eat, to the exclusion of everything else.

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