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China Pharmaceutical University recently installed the systems in two pilot classrooms as well as school gates, dormitory entrances, the library and laboratory buildings.


In a similar vein, it might be beneficial to maintain a standing posture when consuming pharmaceutical products that have unpleasant tastes.


Tax season is upon us–and by us, I mean everyone who is not Amazon, Netflix, Chevron, or pharmaceutical manufacturer Eli Lilly and Co.


Garlic According to a 2003 report in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, garlic skin is recognised for having powerful antioxidant properties, and researchers from the Wakunaga Pharmaceutical company in Japan identified six antioxidant compounds within its skin.

高血压药中查出致癌物 华海药业召回问题药品

A pharmaceutical company in Zhejiang province has reported finding an impurity that can cause cancer in a drug it makes as an ingredient in blood pressure medications, the State Drug Administration said last Sunday.

此为生! 浙江一'蛇村'年售300万条蛇!

Snake farmers sell more than 3 million snakes a year to pharmaceutical companies who use the gall bladders, livers and skins from the reptiles to create nutritional supplements that are ultimately sold to customers in Japan, South Korea, the US and Europe.


40 Some of these pseudo-scientific journals also publish work from employees of pharmaceutical companies.


The study was carried out by scientists funded by the pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk, which makes diabetes treatments, together with the Steno Diabetes Centre in Gentofte, Denmark, and University College London.


Westlake University will include 12 disciplines at first-class level -- biology, biomedical engineering, pharmaceutical science, physics, mathematics, chemistry, basic medical sciences, computer science and technology, electronic science, optical engineering, material sciences and mechanical engineering.


Richard Guy, professor of pharmaceutical sciences at the University of Bath, said: 'The idea created by many of these products is that collagen can get through the upper layers of skin and reinforce our own natural collagen, but this is preposterous.


SMEs making marble, sports, pharmaceutical and electric products can enjoy this service from the day one and other can follow.


The hospital is currently attempting to procure the drug from a US based pharmaceutical company.


In January the company came under fire for selling the right to moderate its online medical advice forums to for-profit hospitals and pharmaceutical companies.


A generic targeted drug to treat cancer manufactured by a Chinese pharmaceutical company hit market recently.


The researchers looked at Health Risk Appraisals from employees in jobs ranging from warehouse and production workers to executives at a large multinational pharmaceutical company.


A state initiative to reduce intermediaries in China's pharmaceutical market is expected to more than halve the number of companies in the sector, but experts say the government will struggle to achieve its aim of cutting drug prices and tackling bribery in distribution chains.


The pharmaceutical industry plays on that fear, targeting women in a barrage of advertising on daytime talk shows and in magazines.


China's first parcel distribution center on a college campus recently opened in Nanjing, Jiangsu province at China Pharmaceutical University, local media reported.


Companies venturing into health insurance range from drug manufacturer Kangmei Pharmaceutical Co and physical check-up chain Meinian Onehealth Healthcare Holdings Co to even property developer Suning Universal Co and Dalian Zeus Entertainment Group Co, which develops online games.


British pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline topped the list, followed by Israeli water desalination firm IDE Technologies and U.

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