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Always to be watched, in person or by proxy!


These substances can experience many phenomena that occur in glass-forming material, so they are a good proxy to study these glass transition.


They found that some dogs that yawned when exposed to human yawning had elevated cortisol levels - a proxy for stress.


Perhaps the sexual attention you receive from men serves as a proxy for your self-esteem.


In a letter to Treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin on Monday seen by the Financial Times, Mr Cornyn wrote that it would be "deeply concerning" if a foreign company could take control of a US group through a proxy fight without first gaining Cfius approval.


Using education levels as a proxy for socioeconomic status, Chinese and Australian researchers have found that while the better-educated in China's less-educated areas are more likely to be overweight, the reverse relationship holds in areas with a better-educated population, which tend to be urban.


'It's not that height is just a proxy for cognition, and it's not just a proxy for other measures of health.


5 particles — used as a proxy for measuring air quality — at 81 microgrammes per cubic metre, was down 6 per cent from 2014's average of nearly 86 microgrammes and 10 per cent from 90 in 2013.


Instead, find the best proxy for confidence, in terms of interactive behavior.

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But these figures merely represent the rise in Cook's "reported pay," which is what a company gives as a total figure in its latest proxy statement.

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In addition, McDonald's did not need media campaigns or proxy battle drama to make change.


An auctioneer may announce prices, bidders may call out their bids themselves (or have a proxy call out a bid on their behalf), or bids may be submitted electronically with the highest current bid publicly displayed.


However, Eklund argues in her PhD thesis that using SRB as a proxy indicator for son preference is problematic.

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"Adult heights are used as a proxy for overall standard of living," he said.


Some are websites, such as free "online proxy servers" that conceal your identity.

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