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When you come to a new place and need to fill the residential form with "emergency contact" and you don't know whom suits.

旅游英语:New York City

There is the architecture of corporate Manhattan and the more residential Upper East and West Side districts (the whole city reads like an illustrated history of modern design); and there is the art, which affords weeks of wandering in the Metropolitan and Modern Art Museums and countless smaller collections.


Most customers were housewives from the nearby residential complexes.


The wires are capable of generating rapid, positive charges as high as 50,000 volts, or more than 400 times the standard residential voltage in the US.

为遏制房价 新西兰禁止海外买家购房

The country's parliament last Wednesday passed a law banning foreigners from buying into most parts of its residential property market as the government seeks to cool red-hot house prices.

美国一小偷入室行窃 唤醒主人只为蹭网

However, he is being charged with prowling, residential burglary, and possibly petty theft.

来自好莱坞的讯息:拥抱过去 塑造城市未来

Well-intentioned zoning rules separating commercial and residential districts may well reduce a city's vibrancy, as we have seen in the United States.

迟迟难以盈利 特斯拉宣布大规模裁员

Tesla has decided not to renew a residential sales agreement with Home Depot, and would focus instead on selling its solar products through its own stores and website.

坐拥3.6亿英镑财产 英国女王都有什么收入?

Another important source of income for the monarch is the Duchy of Lancaster, a private estate of commercial, agricultural and residential properties that dates back to 1265.


Chinese cities rolled out new measures for the second quarter in a bid to rein in their property markets, as National Bureau of Statistics figures showed new residential home prices remained stable in 15 major cities considered the "hottest markets" in February.


He drank way too much and ended up lying on a bench in his residential hall, feeling very sick.


Transaction volume of new commercial residential housing decreased for the 10th consecutive month in December 2017, which was down 13% year-on-year to 27.


" Beijing will offer 30 percent of its supplies for residential housing projects to the leasing market in the next five years.


Dalian Wanda Group's chairman Wang Jianlin announced an ambitious property plan this week as the group pivots back to its core business of mixed-use commercial and residential complexes.


Studies carried out at residential nursing homes in the US found that the presence of a dog distracted the patient from the aggressive and agitated behaviour, calmed them, reduced perception of loneliness and evoked feelings of happiness.


Mr Zhou said the government had dealt with the "low hanging fruit" of managing large pollution sources such as power plants, but was having a more difficult time addressing diffuse coal use by smaller businesses and residential neighbourhoods.


The researchers linked data from satellite images of Earth taken at nighttime to residential addresses for each study participant, and also considered the influence of night shift work.


Prices of Beijing's commercially-sold residential housing fell 0.


Beijing plans to build its first special bicycle lane connecting a crowded residential area with a business center to solve traffic congestion in the area, it was announced last Monday.


Meanwhile, even with prices for parking lots in residential areas soaring, most of their spaces remain unoccupied during workdays.

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