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Bulstrode's naive way of conciliating piety and worldliness, the nothingness of this life and the desirability of cut glass, the consciousness at once of filthy rags and the best damask, was not a sufficient relief from the weight of her husband's invariable seriousness.


His thoughts floated then serenely in the empyrean, and he felt towards her the horror that perhaps the painted butterfly, hovering about the flowers, feels to the filthy chrysalis from which it has triumphantly emerged.


"I can't bear to think of you living in that horrible, filthy attic.


He is alone in a filthy attic, and there is not a soul to look after him.


He seldom smoked, for Marilla set her face against it as a filthy habit; but at certain times and seasons he felt driven to it and them Marilla winked at the practice, realizing that a mere man must have some vent for his emotions.

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His house was filthy, and a stench came out of the house and it smelled horribly.


" However, since being advertised online the trainers have been mocked on social media, with one shopper saying: "I've got a few filthy stained pairs like this left abandoned in the garden shed.


We need to stop thinking that somebody is worth admiring if they're filthy rich but stabbed everybody in the back along the way to get there.


The joke is by the end, you might lose the baby in the water because it was so filthy.

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He said he didn't learn he was filthy rich for days, after he heard no one had claimed the winnings and he figured he should look at his ticket.


Once there, she discovers the family is filthy rich and she has to deal with his disapproving mother.


You know your laptop is filthy.


The addle portion may be traced back to the Old English word adela, meaning "filth, filthy or foul-smelling place.


Instead, he found himself trying to sell Packard trucks and living in a filthy tenement in Hell's Kitchen.


They're filthy rich.

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Concerns over security, incomplete accommodation and filthy water in Ganabara Bay have blighted the run up to Rio 2016.


We need to stop thinking that somebody is worth admiring if they're filthy rich but stabbed everybody in the back along the way to get there.


"Do you think I want to listen to the rigmarole of your filthy trade?


So how does your bag get so disgustingly filthy?


They're filthy rich.

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