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Rich in healthy fats, almonds are chock-full of other essential nutrients, including soluble fiber.


It is loaded with antioxidants and beneficial nutrients that can improve your health.

研究显示 中国人食盐量超标 应警惕健康风险

" The human body needs essential nutrients such as sodium and many vitamins, but the ideal amount remains subject to debate.


" The human body needs essential nutrients such as sodium and many vitamins, but the ideal amount remains subject to debate.


It's good to make time for breakfast in the morning - even if you're exhausted - as it gets your metabolism up and running and gives you nutrients you need for the rest of the day.


Adding nutrients doesn't automatically make ice cream healthy Halo Top made headlines this month when it became the best-selling pint of ice cream in the country, surpassing top brands like Ben & Jerry's.


Scientists supported by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said in a report that the area is only about 40 percent the average size predicted earlier this year based on nitrogen and other nutrients flowing down the Mississippi river.


Fruit and vegetables will provide the nutrients you need to boost your immune system and help get rid of the infection.


: Water is needed to carry out our body functions, remove waste and carry nutrients and oxygen around our body.


Chaga is thought to be rich in several vitamins, minerals and nutrients, including Vitamin D, potassium and B-complex vitamins.


The other half were told to stop taking all drugs for diabetes and to eat a low-calorie diet balanced in nutrients - shakes or soups containing no more than 853 calories a day - for up to five months.


Harley Street nutritionist Rhiannon Lambert reveals that bananas are an excellent source of potassium and other nutrients no matter how ripe they are.


Regular exercise boosts strength and endurance, helps make your cardiovascular system run more efficiently, and delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues.


The right pizza supposedly can provide more nutrients than a bowl of sugary corn flakes, the nutritionist said, and I wanted to test the theory.


But the researchers say the link could have to do with the fact that many fruits and vegetables have more nutrients in their natural state-and that those nutrients may have a positive impact on mood and brain chemistry.


This is because regular exercise makes your heart and lungs work more efficiently, delivering oxygen and vital nutrients around the body.


Compromised blood flow is a major component of ageing, as it deprives tissues and organs, including the brain, of the nutrients and oxygen they need to function.

减肥运动相关口语表达 第54期:服用适合自己的维他命

Unit 54 Take your vitamins Unit 54 You won't lose more weight by taking vitamin and mineral supplements,but you will get the proper balance of nutrients to keep you in top shape while you lose weight.

减肥运动相关口语表达 第49期:每周一天茶水蔬菜日

Raw vegetables provide more nutrients and digestive bulk.


And a globe-spanning 2015 study examined coral reefs in the US Virgin Islands, Israel and Hawaii, and found that oxybenzone significantly leaches coral of nutrients.

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