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In spite of your ancestry, there is something wild and remote and untamed about you.


With an ancestry in Jiangxi, he was born Xu Hongzu, as the second son of Xu Yu'an and Wang Ruren.


The first was a large twin study which showed that, at least in those of European ancestry, particular genetic variants are linked to the strength of perception of different tastes: 《》.


In 2010 I began to search for my father through Ancestry.

万物简史 第4期:引言(4)

"Not only have you been lucky enough to be attached since time immemorial to a favored evolutionary line, ,, but you have also been extremely, make that miraculously fortunate in your personal ancestry.


" Odours aside, the durian's ancestry was also revealed, believed to be dating back an estimated 65 million years to the cacao plant.


Census Bureau's (UCB's) 2015 American Consumer Survey on languages spoken most often at home, while considered data of UCB on the ancestry of state residents.


The findings were based on an examination of the size and shape of noses on people with West African, South Asian, East Asian, or Northern European ancestry.


"Most still come in via work transfers, second passports, ancestry visas, spousal visas and family visas," the authors said.


When the scientists performed these calculations for more than 24,000 pairs of husbands and wives of European ancestry, they found a strong statistical correlation between people's genetic markers for height and the actual height of their partner.


The plan has prompted fear among the people of Yumingzui, many of whom trace their ancestry back hundreds of years.


That is because there is no path to legal permanent residency for foreigners who are not of Indian ancestry, except through marriage or by giving up their original citizenship to become naturalised.


The ancestry of Russians were sought among Normans, Scythians, and Sarmatians, and even the South Siberian Usuns.


The ancestry of Russians were sought among Normans, Scythians, and Sarmatians, and even the South Siberian Usuns.


News reports spoke of a "new ancestor," even a "new human species," assuming a ladder heading our way, whereas what we are actually facing when we investigate our ancestry is a tangle of branches.

迟到的证书 102岁妇女获德国博士学位

She had written confirmation from Hamburg University that she would have received her doctorate "if the applicable laws did not prohibit Ms Syllm's admission to the doctoral exam due to her ancestry".

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(99)

People here marry for love, family name and ancestry never even come into the equation.


Would Lady Cora — who we learned also has Jewish ancestry — have been able to avoid this?

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(6)

School text books barely mentioned them and referred to their ancestry only in passing.

强大DNA检测 帮你了解自己的身体

It can also predict whether they like coffee or hate Brussels sprouts, which type of exercise is likely to suit them best and give information about a person's ancestry.

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