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美文赏析:真正的自我 从不会被弄丢

"" An unlearning, an excavation , a remembering who you were,,before the world got its hands on you.

旅游英语:兵马俑 Terra Cotta Warriors

After 20 years of careful excavation three underground vaults officially opened to the public in 1979, 1989, and 1994 respectively, displaying thousands of terra-cotta warriors, horses and chariots, all arranged in battle formations.

距今4000年! 青藏高原发现首个史前洞穴遗址!

" The excavation, which will continue in 2019, was carried out by a joint archaeological team from the regional cultural relics conservation institute and the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology under the Chinese Academy of Sciences.


Musk put the total price tag for the finished segment at about $10 million, including the cost of excavation, internal infrastructure, lighting, ventilation, safety systems, communications and a track.


Since then, an excavation led by Xu Xing, a paleontologist from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, has turned up whole or partial skeletons from between seven to 10 individual dinosaurs.


All three are rectangular in shape, although with excavation ongoing the exact dimensions have yet to be revealed.


Archaeologists conduct research to reconstruct record of past human life and culture from human remains, artifacts, architectural features, and structures recovered through excavation, underwater recovery, or other means of discovery.


ATHENS — A Greek archaeologist who has been leading a 20-year excavation in northern Greece said on Thursday that he believed he had unearthed the tomb of Aristotle.


All of the bones in the excavation belonged to the leopard cat, Prionailurus bengalensis, an animal of similar size to a domestic cat but with longer legs and a smaller head, and which still lives in the wild across much of Asia.


Much of the grueling excavation leading to the discovery was done by teams led by José Luis Carballido and Diego Pol, paleontologists at Paleontological Museum Egidio Feruglio in Argentina.


An excavation near Nanchang, the provincial capital, uncovered that largest burial ever found in China.

美国愚公 32年只身挖通穿山隧道

He carried out the excavation using picks, hammers, hand drills and explosives.

英语小说: 金银岛-Chapter 33

They began to scramble out of the excavation, darting furious glances behind them.

英语小说: 金银岛-Chapter 32

Before us was a great excavation, not very recent, for the sides had fallen in and grass had sprouted on the bottom.


He hurled the umbrella wrathfully into an excavation.


Excavation of the site is continuing and it is now the largest excavation in an urban area in Danish history.

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