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prosecutors from charging Assange with crimes not outlined in the request, making the filing of additional counts against Assange highly unlikely.


Prosecutors in Turkey are seeking the extradition of NBA player Enes Kanter over his support for Turkish cleric Fethullah Giilen, according to media reports.

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Prosecutors will explore whether the video is real, and if so how they were able to climb the 140m tall structure, state-run newspaper Al-Ahram reports.

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Prosecutors appealed against that decision, seeking a tougher sentence.

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Last month, VW was fined euro1bn (GBP880m) by German prosecutors for selling more than 10 million cars between mid-2007 and 2015 that had test-cheating software installed.


Spanish prosecutors have accused José Mourinho of defrauding the country's tax authorities of EU3.


US federal prosecutors said that Google and Facebook had recovered much of the money.


It took jurors three hours on Wednesday to determine that there was not enough evidence to support a civil forfeiture lawsuit filed by federal prosecutors.


Prosecutors accused Mr Lee of giving bribes worth 41bn won ($36m/29m pounds) to President Park and her close friend Choi Soon-sil to win government support for a smooth leadership transition within Samsung.


Lee Jae-yong, vice-chairman and heir apparent of the Samsung group, has been summoned to appear for questioning today over suspicions of bribery, the special prosecutors' office said yesterday.


Even as close aides have been indicted over alleged abuse of power, Ms Park has rejected state prosecutors' requests to question her over the saga, with her lawyer saying she will comply with a probe by a separate independent counsel.


Regional prosecutors and environmental protection officers have launched an official inquiry into the incident.


The $1 billion that prosecutors say was laundered in the United States is but a portion of the billions that international investigators suspect was siphoned off by high-level officials at the fund and their associates.


Low blood pressure Prosecutors have said Mubarak suffers from depression, fatigue, repeated irregular heartbeats, low blood pressure that could lead to fainting and an increased risk of heart attack.


In March, French prosecutors investigating corruption in athletics widened their scope to include the bidding and voting processes for the hosting of the 2016 and 2020 Olympics.


Six months since the scandal broke VW finds itself surrounded by hostile forces itching to punish it, ranging from the FTC and the US Department of Justice to the French government and German prosecutors.


The Swiss attorney-general said in a statement that French financial prosecutors searched the federation's office in relation to a Sfr2m payment Mr Blatter allegedly made to Michel Platini, football's former European chief.


Asked by a judge about its willingness to enlist the help of all the federal agencies in a similar case from 2015, the government responded that "federal prosecutors don't have an obligation to consult the intelligence community in order to investigate crime.


But despite a pledge by the Justice Department in September to go after executives responsible for corporate wrongdoing, federal prosecutors stopped short of criminal charges and did not single out individuals.

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After the woman died in a retirement home, the 950,000 euros as well as savings accounts books were found shredded on her bed, prosecutors said.

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