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But Minari is also the tale of a US family working on a small farm in Arkansas in the 1980s, so some commentators have argued that calling its language "foreign" is outdated and insulting.


Professor Gina Rippon says the idea that our brains are controlled by our gender is outdated and wrong.


Haven't we moved beyond outdated ideas of femininity and gender roles?


The first lady's decision to wear the hat led some to accuse her of having an "outdated understanding" of Africa, due to the association between the headwear and colonial rule in the continent.


Education Minister Chen Baosheng admitted in March that pre-school education is facing a myriad of problems -- from a shortage of quality teaching staff to safety loopholes, outdated teaching methods, and high costs.


It shows how far Hollywood has come from the outdated Asian caricatures showcased in past rom-coms.


Driven by outdated trade concepts, they over-emphasize trade imbalances and launch trade wars with major trading partners around the world, bringing chaos to the global trade order.


Guided by such outdated principles, it was natural that the Trump administration adopted a beggar-thy-neighbor approach and resorted to every possible means to contain and weaken its competitors so as to serve its strategic goal of "Making America Great Again".

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They say the texts they had to analyse were "unfair" -- stuffed with highly literary and outdated vocabulary.


Officials said current rules on maternity and paternity leave were "outdated" because they presumed that women will do the "vast majority" of caring for infants.


Urban resource optimization, a declining registered permanent residence quota and relocation of outdated industries are the main reasons behind decreasing demand, said Zeng Xiangquan, director of the institute, adding the trend would continue.


It described China's cheese standards as "outdated", adding the EU delegation and the French embassy in China would organise a seminar with Chinese cheese experts "thus limiting the risk of such events re-occurring in the future".


The editorial called it "an outdated exercise today viewed as a key cause of lower back injuries.


" He added that the app is not in the same category as the print edition, since users can keep the app without any worries about it becoming damaged or outdated, and it will be updated regularly.


The editorial called it "an outdated exercise today viewed as a key cause of lower back injuries.


Nabbing a wealthy husband might seem like an outdated dream.


"The launch of Tianzhou-1 is very significant because once our country's space station is constructed and launched, it cannot leave its orbit so it will be crucial to send propellant and supplies as well as take back any debris and outdated equipment," said Jiao Weixin, a professor at the School of Earth and Space Sciences at Peking University.


Many job seekers will fail to achieve their goal in 2017 because they'll be using outdated job search techniques.


However, many of the country's millennials consider them outdated.


Then-Lakers head coach Byron Scott, whose outdated mindsets have been well documented, even joked with Lakers staffers after watching Porzingis wilt with exhaustion that Scott had better get a contract extension if the club decided to draft Porzingis and wait for him to grow up.

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