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It's also unclear whether construction of the Olympic facilities will be finished as organizers have faced steep funding constraints -- the budget was slashed by $500 million in January.


In large part because of political constraints, the growth of the international financial institutions has not kept pace with the growth of the global economy.


Beijing's airport came a close second and was expected to beat Hartsfield Jackson this year, however the reports states that "the combination of a Chinese slowdown and capacity constraints has meant lower growth levels at the airport.


Vishal Sikka, chief executive of the Indian IT group Infosys, says that internal constraints can often be far more damaging than external threats.


In short, it teaches you to take your constraints — budget, time, resources, whatever — and make them work for you in your quest for innovation.


But his health constraints and his traveling also made it possible for him to feel like he was in a state of constant discovery, which allowed him to develop more critical thinking on art and why he wanted to be an artist.


And more than one in six admitted that financial constraints had made them postpone trying to start a family.


Just like his characters, however, Guo seems to have not matured into his new artistic calling: despite being flanked by two "executive directors," he remains completely at a loss in adapting his material to the constraints of the film medium.


Maybe you're the person with a decade more experience, but the company is looking for someone greener because of budget constraints.


" "Since I shall not be a candidate, and am therefore now free from the constraints that elections inevitably impose, I shall be able to focus on driving far-reaching, fundamental reforms that transcend our previous efforts.


After all, even Singapore and Hong Kong retain some constraints on their currencies.


Young thinkers may be more inclined to see opportunities than constraints, and a splash of naive optimism is a good, perhaps even essential, quality in an entrepreneur.


These are the constraints surrounding the execution of your decisions.

2015两会政府工作报告 10个英文新词精析

As resource-related and environmental constraints grow and costs for labor and other factors of production rise, a model of development that draws on high levels of investment and energy consumption and is heavily driven by quantitative expansion becomes difficult to sustain.


But objects in the analog world are bound by physical constraints.


Volvo does not have these constraints.


When those boundaries exist because of technological constraints, it frustrates the people who want to do more -– the kind of people the organization wants to reward.


One way would be for the IMF to use these SDRs to finance lending to countries that need short-term financing, due to balance of payments constraints, as happened recently in Greece and Ireland.


Also, detail any constraints that need to be taken into account, resources they might use, who needs to be consulted, deadlines and other pieces of the work that you might normally take for granted.


The global economy still faces persistent weaknesses in demand, and supply-side constraints hamper growth," said the G20 communiqué issued after the meeting yesterday.

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