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The collapse of Lehman Brothers is overrated.


That appears to be a pragmatic response to the collapse of a key policy initiative.


However,with the collapse of the dynasty,Bian Embroidery collapsed, too.

委内瑞拉通胀危机 商店收款不是点钞而是称重

When the price of oil on the global market collapsed by two-thirds in 2014, Venezuela had little else to fall back on, so a natural reaction would have been for the bolívar to collapse.

日本街头突现天坑 政府修复效率惊人

Motohisa Oda, a crisis management officer from the city of Fukuoka, told cnn that the underground construction work may have triggered the collapse.


The collapse of trade unionism and decline in relative minimum wages reinforce the asymmetric power of business and labour in the marketplace.


Mr Tusk has warned that a collapse of Ceta would have "obvious consequences" for Europe's global position.


China's leadership responded to concerns about capital outflows by making it harder to move capital abroad and to worries about the collapse of an equity bubble by suspending trading in many shares – in effect preventing owners of assets from selling them.


The International Monetary Fund warned yesterday that a broad-based phenomenon of low inflation, fed by a collapse in commodity prices and faltering demand, risked deteriorating into a full-blown deflation trap, particularly in advanced economies.

中国人不愿结婚 经济与家庭观念面临考验

I think that sense of collapse will happen in 10 or 20 years.


That decline was accompanied by troubles at San Francisco-based Lending Club, a pioneer in the US fintech industry that suffered a scandal involving mis-sold loans earlier this year followed by a collapse in its stock price.


Excessive pumping of groundwater is causing the geology under the city to collapse, according to a new study using satellite imagery that reveals parts of Beijing – particularly its central business district – are subsiding each year by as much as 11 centimetres, or more than four inches.


In a decree, Mr Dornelles said the state faced "public calamity" that could lead to a "total collapse" in public services, such as security, health and education.


That, in turn, could trigger the collapse of the transatlantic alliance.


" The higher number of applications partly reflects the fact that there are fewer investment banks now, after the collapse of Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers during the financial crisis.


According to Robert Koopman, WTO chief economist, part of the problem has been a series of crises that has seen demand collapse in a succession of regions.


The talk is of income inequality, the collapse of the middle class, the banning of Muslim visitors and the building of walls to stop immigrants pouring into the US.


"Now, in the midst of a very sharp fall in oil prices, capital flows to EM are in a state of collapse.


The scientists confirmed previous estimates, but with a larger data set, that if global emissions continue at a high rate over the next few decades, the ocean could rise as much as three or four feet by 2100, as ocean water expands and the great ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica begin to collapse.

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