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In that hour she repeated what the merciful eyes of solitude have looked on for ages in the spiritual struggles of man—she besought hardness and coldness and aching weariness to bring her relief from the mysterious incorporeal might of her anguish: she lay on the bare floor and let the night grow cold around her; while her grand woman's frame was shaken by sobs as if she had been a despairing child.


But if Dorothea did choose to espouse her solitude, he felt that the resolution would well become her.


The thoughts which had gathered vividness in the solitude of her boudoir occupied her incessantly through the day on which Mr.


She looked at her lover with some wondering remonstrance as she spoke, and he readily understood that she might wish to lengthen the sweet time of double solitude.


To have changed your longitude extensively and placed yourselves in a moral solitude in order to have small explosions, to find conversation difficult and to hand a glass of water without looking, can hardly be regarded as satisfactory fulfilment even to the toughest minds.


But in this order of experience I am still young, and in looking forward to an unfavorable possibility I cannot but feel that resignation to solitude will be more difficult after the temporary illumination of hope.


Perks was not to be seen, and Bobbie shared the solitude of the platform with the Station Cat.


But my affair is widely different; I bring back my heroine to her home in solitude and disgrace; and no sweet elation of spirits can lead me into minuteness.


Her anxiety had foundation in fact, her fears in probability; and with a mind so occupied in the contemplation of actual and natural evil, the solitude of her situation, the darkness of her chamber, the antiquity of the building, were felt and considered without the smallest emotion; and though the wind was high, and often produced strange and sudden noises throughout the house, she heard it all as she lay awake, hour after hour, without curiosity or terror.


At the further end of the village, and tolerably disengaged from the rest of it, stood the parsonage, a new-built substantial stone house, with its semicircular sweep and green gates; and, as they drove up to the door, Henry, with the friends of his solitude, a large Newfoundland puppy and two or three terriers, was ready to receive and make much of them.


Is he safe only in solitude?

迷人四月天:Chapter 17

Fisher in order to cheer her solitude, and though he left off cheering her about eleven to go and look for Mrs.

迷人四月天:Chapter 13

Arbuthnot's—or went in solitude up into the hills—that was Mrs.

绿山墙的安妮:CHAPTER 37

Anne hoped that the tears would come in solitude.

绿山墙的安妮:CHAPTER 34

" Anne was wondering if, after all, solitude and tears were not more satisfactory than Josie Pye's companionship when Jane and Ruby appeared, each with an inch of Queen's color ribbon—purple and scarlet—pinned proudly to her coat.


A good cry, indulged in the grateful solitude of the east gable, had soothed her nerves and restored her to her wonted cheerfulness.


When you spend time in solitude, you're free from the influences of other people, and can truly open yourself and explore whatever you'd like.

双语美文:直面痛苦 倾听内心

When you spend time in solitude, you're free from the influences of other people, and can truly open yourself and explore whatever you'd like.


"Osborn repeatedly extolled the virtues of solitude, of time spent far from the distractions of others, as part of his own creative process," Lila MacLellan from Quartz has noted.


The seniors were practicing laughter yoga, a form of exercise that aims to help them awaken their senses and punctuate their long bouts of solitude.

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